Parents and students concerned with financial aid, please read

<p>I got 26,500 with a grant and 2 scholarships. I will be doing the liberal studies core program, how much is tuition. I asked two different people at nyu, the fa advisor and the head of my department and one said 42-43,000 and the department head said 30,000, what is tuition? I also feel the stingy attitudes of fa, they are so condescending…i think they lied too, they said average student debt is 35,000, ya right, anyone beleive this?</p>

<p>@cricket </p>

<p>You should be able to pay in cash without any problems. You should even be able to set up a payment plan - usually 3 installments over the course of the semester. So, that’s roughly $10,000/semester or $3,334 per payment.</p>


<p>Tuition is something like… $19,000/semester + books and fees. (To the best of my knowledge). </p>

<p>Tuition also differs by school! So you should look that up on the NYU website.</p>

<p>Tuition with fees is approximately $42 - $43K. I doubt that financial aid lied to you about average student debt. That information can be looked up on the common data set and is verifiable.</p>

<p>You need to understand that people get their money to pay for their tuition in all different ways. Some have their parents or grandparents pay their costs in full.Therefore they graduate debt free. Others have their parents take on debt through plus loans for any varying amount. These loans are in the parents names, not the students, so it will not show up as student debt. Students are only in a position to take out about $35,000 in debt in their own name through federal or bank loans. So I am sure this NYU number is accurate.</p>

<p>So tuition is around 20,000 a year, but factoring in books and housing and stuff it is 42,000? I still do not understand. I would be doing the liberal studies core program in shanghai…what is tution? Different sources say different prices</p>

<p>No, tuition is around $19,000 per SEMESTER + books and fees. $19,000 x 2 semesters per year + fees = over $40,000/yr.</p>

<p>Tisch is more expensive than CAS, and I’m only familiar with CAS.</p>

<p>My total cost of attendance was $63,000 this year, for comparison.</p>

<p>When I checked my financial aid, all I have is a 20k scholarship at a 2k pell grant. loans are listed but not accepted. 22k is less than half of the money i need to to be able to attend NYU.why don’t i get loans? do i have to apply for them or something? please help :)</p>

<p>@hollydays I’m pretty sure you have to accept the listed loans. It says the scholarships and grants are accepted because I think it’s assumed that you want the free money. But you can pick and choose which of the listed loans you want to take out, I think.</p>

<p>Okay… what should I do about my situation…?</p>

<p>I didn’t do the CSS profile simply because no other college requested it, so I didn’t know.
All other schools gave me merit scholarships just from my transcript.
So now I got NO aid from NYU, and my parents and I can’t afford a quarter million dollars for me to go to NYU.
My mom doesn’t even make as much as the yearly tuition, yet the FAFSA gave us nothing but loans (which, in my opinion, is not “aid”).</p>

<p>I spoke on the phone and they said I can never apply ever again. Only people going to NYU the following year can do it. because they don’t give scholarships for just 3 years, only all 4.</p>

<p>What about the people who don’t accept scholarships or drop out? I’m sure they have SOME money for me, even if it’s just my last 3 years.</p>

<p>NYU never sent me a letter or called me about the CSS profile. You can’t expect me to see an email among the hundreds of emails I get from colleges saying it’s due in a week. In all fairness, NYU’s Steinhardt financial aid page only talks about FAFSA, which I did.</p>

<p>Hi again xD</p>

<p>How does work study work??</p>

<p>lauren, if you really want to go to NYU, AND you think you might get aid (a big if), you can ask them if you can defer your acceptance and reapply next year for finanical aid. You will have to take a “gap” year, NOT take classes anywhere and preserve your freshman status (do not even take one course at a CC), all in the hopes of getting NYU finaid. And they are stingy, so there are no guarantees. </p>

<p>Please tell me you have somewhere else to go???</p>

<p>I don’t think I could wait another year… especially because there’s no guarantee they’ll give me anything.</p>

<p>How come every other school gave me scholarships based on my transcript? Seriously, the CSS profile (especially PAYING for aid) is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of.</p>

<p>I won’t even know if they’ll accept my college credits until after I enroll. Which sucks, because if I’m able to knock off a semester or two, that really affects my decision. I’ll have 68 but they’ll only consider ones that didn’t also count for high school, so that means 40, but I don’t think the Music Technology program will have room in their schedule to accept all those credits.</p>


<p>It depends on what types of colleges you applied to. In my case, I applied to many private liberal arts schools, nearly all of which required the CSS, while none of the public schools I applied to required it. The CSS is used because it gives colleges much more information about your financial situation, and for schools like NYU that don’t give out that much in aid, they need it so they know where to allocate their funds. </p>

<p>If you really wanted to go to NYU, maybe you can go to another college for now and transfer later. Even with this however, there is no guarantee of financial aid.</p>

<p>@laurenbanjo - nyu gives aid mostly based off of merit (trying to lure top candidates away from other schools) so unless your stats are in the higher quadrant of their accepted kids, you’d have had a hard time getting merit aid from them even if you had filed the CSS. i’m sorry that they didn’t tell you to do it :frowning: that really does suck, and nyu’s fa office is kind of notorious for being rude/stingy. however (and i’m really sorry that i have to tell you this please please don’t hate the messenger!) they’re probably not going to reconsider no matter what you do. my sister goes to NYU and her and her friends always tell me about how their FA sucks and even those with a lot of need don’t get that much $$ because it’s more merit based at nyu. as doctorwho said, you also have to note that public schools, who have way way more applicants on average, usually only use the FAFSA to figure out financial need. private schools use CSS because it gets much more in depth and shows them a lot more about a family’s particular situation. if nyu is your top choice your only option left is pretty much taking a bunch of loans, at least for the first year :\ your second year you would be allowed to apply for finaid again and they might award you grants, but i don’t think they’d give you any scholarships :[</p>

<p>I still can’t access my financial aid… what does this mean?</p>

<p>I got just below $30,000 in grants and scholarships for NYU which is quite good for them (and it’s actually the second biggest scholarship a college has offered/given me) but my mom is wondering if we can appeal for a little more.
Maybe for a FSEOG? Our EFC is a little more than 4,000… Would it be reasonable to ask for this type of grant?
How would one go about appealing? I know they usually only give a1000 or 2000 more for an appeal but every little bit counts, right?</p>

<p>Cricket, you received a VERY generous package. Honestly, getting more from NYU is going to be difficult. You should start working on getting outside scholarships to close the gap on your COA.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your help.</p>

<p>So I had a 3.54 at the end of junior year, and 1900 on my SATs. I’m guessing I wouldn’t have gotten a scholarship anyway?</p>

<p>and whats the difference between grants and scholarships?</p>

<p>Hello, my financial aid was finally updated and my total aid in loans is almost 62k. Each semester I receive 30k. Does anyone know why NYU is loaning me that much since tuition isn’t that much, right? Supposedly each semester is around 19k…? Btw I’m enrolled in the college of nursing, if that matters.</p>