Physics class input

<p>Son should be taking Physics 105 or 125 next semester, and was wondering if any of you AP kids have taken the class yet. Any recommendation on taking just regular 105 or honors 125. Son is in regular Calc I right now, doing very well, but just had a regular physics class senior year of high school, no AP offered. He’ll be taking CBH and an honors engineering class and maybe an honors humanities, so would prefer to not take another honors, but would like some input on the different sections/professors for physics. Son is mech eng major and in CBH.</p>

<p>S is currently taking Phys 105 with Dr. Dawn Williams and he likes the class and the professor. His HS did not offer AP Physics, yet despite the fact that he had a weak background in honors physics, so far he’s doing very well in Phys. 105. Apart from his only comment that she talks fast, he says she’s clear in her lectures and fair in her exams. The homework can be challenging but he is able to keep up. When we contacted her during the summer to be able to get a spot in her class, which was then closed, she took the time to email S to let him know a spot had opened up during the last few days leading up to the start of classes.</p>