<p>i was looking at oscar registration and for physics 2211, i am enrolled in dr. laguna's class. i see four times to meet for this class and i cant figure out which is recitation and which is test period. please can someone help me. </p>
<p>ok so this is what i see on oscar:
the class is at 1:05-1:55 in the afternoon. then under it, i see 6:05 - 7:25 two times? So we have two lectures on the same day? or is the 6:05 - 7:25 suuposed to be my test period? then i signed up for d06 section, which shows the times 4:05-4:55 and 5:05-6:55...can someone clarify for me what these times mean? is the d06 times supposed to be recitation n lab respectively? thanks</p>
<p>Your recitation will be from 4:05-4:55 and your lab will be from 5:05-6:55.</p>
<p>Recitations and labs for physics are always chained together. Recitation is one hour and labs are two hours.</p>
<p>That means your tests will be from 6:05 - 7:25. Keep in mind this time slot will only be used when a test is scheduled (i.e 4-5 times during the semester).</p>
<p>Your lucky, You do not have lab,recitation,and tests on the same day. That sucks when it happens, especially when you have homework due for the next section the day after when the last thing you want to do is do more physics.</p>
<p>This is completely correct. On a regular week you have class 1-2 on three days, recitation/lab 4-7 on one day. Then once a month or so you will have a 6-7:30 exam.</p>