<p>Could you guys chance me at:
UC Berkeley
UC Los Angeles
UC San Diego
New York University
Cornell University
Boston University</p>
<p>I'm really nervous...I'm halfway through junior year, so the 2nd semester is projected. I have not yet taken SAT IIs or AP exams.</p>
Honors English 9: A/A
Honors Algebra I: A/A
Health: A/A
Frosh/Soph PE: B/B
Physics: A/A
Spanish I: A/A
Theology: A/A</p>
Honors Chemistry: A/A
Honors Algebra II: A/A
Honors Spanish II: A/A
Theology: A/A
English 10: A/A
World History 10: A/A
Strong Body: A/A</p>
AP US History: A/A
AP Chemistry: A/A
Honors English 11: A/A
Honors Math Analysis: C/B
Honors Biology 11: A/A
Honors Spanish III: A/A
Honors World Religions: A/A</p>
<li>Math Analysis...gonna hurt me? :(</li>
<p>Cumulative GPA: About 4.4~4.5
UC GPA: 4.1~4.2</p>
<p>SAT: 2070/2400</p>
Speech & Debate
- Varsity Team Captain
- Alumnus, Stanford National Forensic Institute
- Undefeated JV League Record</p>
<p>Track & Field
- Varsity Letter
- Sophomore Scholar Athlete</p>
<p>Link Crew
- Core Team Leader</p>
<p>Key Club
- Active Member</p>
- Created a debate discussion board, online fantasy game for children (some adults also play), and college review website.</p>
- Composed lots of inspirational songs! :)</p>
- Hoby Nomination (1 of 2 sophomores)
- High Honor Roll all semesters
- Scholar Athlete</p>
<p>Where do I stand?
Thanks in advance. :]</p>