please grade my essay from 1-12 and provide your opinion for betterment.

<p>Is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people create for themselves ?</p>

<p>The presupposition that people have to create an identity for themselves is a categorical truth. Although some advocates who think people are born with identity would argue that people born on earth are the succeeder of their parents identity, these naive critics are dogmatic in their provincial ideology. Two prominent archetypes that exemplify that people have to create an identity for themselves are Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi. </p>

<p>Born in the early 1900's Nelson Mandela depicts that people have to create their identities and aren't born with. Belonging from a poor family background and the man who holds a significant hand in the independence of South America, Nelson Mandela began his political career by joining a local party who opposed the ruling of whites in SA. Nelson Mandela had a keen and magnanimous motive in politics. Having served more than 40 years of his life in jail, Nelson Mandela became a international inspiring figure. Seeing Mandela's sacrifice and struggle people supported him; and fought together for the independence.
Another paradigm that supports the notion that people have to create their identity is Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln will forever be remembered as one of America's greatest Presidents. however, he came from very humble beginnings. He was poor, walked to school, and taught himself through reading books. What Lincoln did, ostensibly, was to use these aspects of his life as strengths. Being poor perhaps helped him empathize with the plight of the slaves, and while he resisted Emancipation for some time, when he did do it he probably knew in at least in small part what that must have felt like. Finally, we would perhaps never have the gift that is the Gettysburg Address had Lincoln not read great oratory in those times he taught himself.</p>

<p>In the essay above I have demonstrated that identity is much more than something simply "given" to us. In accepting the responsibility of carving our own identity, we accept the responsibility of "giving" back. </p>

<p>Please revert back. thanks. </p>