<p>Guys I’m taking SAT this week but I don’t have anyone to grade my essay so please will you guys give me some help? thank you
Oh and I wrote this in 25 minutes and I’m practicing so time shouldn’t be a problem for me but do you think it’s a bit too long to fit in two pages? I’m a bit worried</p>
<p>We are living in a world in which teamwork and cooperation are essential tools for survival. As John Donne said, “No man is an island.” Yet, there are times when a person must separate himself or herself from a group and speak or act as an individual, even if to do so means rejecting the will of the group and breaking the bonds.</p>
<p>Assignment: Is it sometimes more important to stand as an individual rather than as a member of a group? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this question. Be sure to support your position with reasons and examples taken from personal experience, observation, reading, or studies.</p>
<pre><code>It is more important to stand as an individual rather than as a member of a group for the sake of the individual him or herself and for the sake of the entire society. Girl’s Generation Jessica, the Mystery in Your Milk case, and Keith Haring clearly demonstrate the point that standing as an individual is more important.
The incident in which Girl’s Generation member Jessica withdrew from the team lucidly shows the importance of standing as an individual for the sake of herself. Girl’s Generation is a Korean pop girl group, which has been immensely successful not only domestically, but also globally. The team is consisted of 9 members, and each and every member has played a critical role in the group’s popularity and support. However, on September 30th, 2014, Jessica was officially withdrawn from the team because of her fashion business. Jessica’s agency told the media that it was Jessica’s choice to leave the team after Girl’s Generation’s most recent song Mr. Mr. and to focus more on her fashion brand, Blanc. It is well-known that Jessica always dreamed of attending design school and becoming a professional designer, and the press has already reported that Jessica is actually preparing for a design school in New York along with her fashion business. Considering all these, leaving the team and standing alone has provided Jessica with more time and opportunities to concentrate on what she really wants to focus on for the rest of her lifetime. Therefore, it is clear that the example of Jessica proves the importance of standing as an individual.
The case of the Mystery in Your Milk is also an example that shows the importance of standing as an individual. American journalists at Fox News Network Jane Akre and Steve Wilson were told to prepare the show “The Investigators.” While investigating, Akre and Wilson found out that Monsanto had been using bovine growth hormone (BGH), a chemical that is detrimental to humans, while advertising its “chemical-free” milk. The journalists decided to reveal the fraud only to realize that they have been fired and their show has been cancelled due to pressure by Monsanto. Although it was against the will of the Fox News Network and their fellow journalists, Akre and Wilson concluded that the public ought to know the big fraud played against the public themselves, so they filed a lawsuit against Monsanto and the Fox. As all matches between individuals and large companies end up, the result was not bright. However, what matters here is that the public finally got to know the story after all the hardships the two journalists had to endure all by themselves. Therefore, the case of the Mystery in Your Milk also adds to the claim that it is more important to stand as an individual for the sake of the entire society.
American pop artist and a social activist, Keith Haring is another example that demonstrates the importance of standing as an individual. He is well-known for his political images that express concepts of birth, death, sexuality, and war. One noticeable trait about Haring is that not only was he a homosexual and an AIDS patient, but was a very open one. The world back then did not welcome either homosexual or AIDS patient. In fact, most of the people fear to reveal their identities and were unwilling to do so. However, Haring was different; rather than remaining as a member of the group, he chose to stand before the population on behalf of homosexuals and AIDS patients by opening his conditions to the public. Although Haring died when he was only 31, his arts and position is raising awareness on the recognition of the homosexuals and the AIDS patients even until now. As from the example of Keith Haring, the importance of standing as an individual for the sake of the entire society is evident.
After a careful analysis of Jessica, the Mystery in Your Milk, and Keith Haring, one can clearly see that standing as an individual is more important than remaining as a member of a group for the sake of him or herself and for the sake of the entire society. Remaining as a member in a team makes one no different from other members in the team; it does no good. Standing as an individual is definitely a way of protecting and developing both oneself and the society.