Please help, how to add NON-UC community college classes to Freshman App

The title says it all. I’m a high schooler, but most of my classes have been through my local community college. My community college classes are transferred to my high school transcript. I don’t know whether to put them as “HL” or “NH”. I tried checking the list of approved community colleges in the A-G thing but I don’t my CC on there, probably because it’s out of state.

I would really appreciate the help.

Are the CC courses a-g courses such as Math, English, Science, Foreign Language, Art etc…?

I would try to match them the best you can to the A-G categories. If they are UC transferable, they get an extra honors point in the UC GPA calculation. If you are not sure, you could list the courses and I could try to help you categorize them as HL or NH.

Thank you! You’re being such a great help right now, I’m stressing hard. These are all my community college classes. I have lots more high school classes from my school to finish some requirements, but these are the ones I need help with.

Math Classes:
College Algebra
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus
Multivariable Calculus
Sequences and Series/Linear Algebra
Vector Calculus
Differential Equations
Discrete Math

Microcontrollers in Research/Design
Scientific Computing/Computational Physics
General Physics with Calculus 1, 2, 3

Preparatory Chemistry 1
General Chemistry 1

Intro to Biology 1 (Plan to take)

Intro to Engineering I
Intro to Engineering 2 (Matlab)
DC Circuits
AC Circuits
Digital Logic (Plan to take)

Computer Science:
Intro To Computer Science II
Programming in C
Data Structures
Web Development (Plan to take)

Social Sciences:
Comparative Politics/Government
US History 2 (Plan to take)
US History 3 (Plan to take)

English Composition
Technical Writing
Film Studies
Difference/Power/Discrimination in Film

Communications 1 (Plan to take)

Intro To World Music, Cultures
Concert Choir

Physical Education:
Physical Education (Plan to take)

Foreign Language:
Spanish 1
Spanish 2

Okay, I took a second look at the application and there’s a specific place to put college courses. However, do I re-report them? They are both my high school AND college courses, so I’m not exactly sure what to do.

Also, I’m wondering how to report college classes taken in middle school?

Read through the UC application guide first to see if your questions will be answered. There is a section on how to report a-g courses taken in Middle school and College courses in High school.