Sorry all, I’ll try to be more clear.
I was being harassed by a student and when I took a report statement the Chair, who was also my teacher of a class this person was harassing me in, she stated that she would take care of it and make sure it would stop.
The harassment didn’t stop for another week and a half and for two weeks after that most of the other students made fun of me or were condescending (EX. stating I was over reacting, making rape jokes, telling me to calm down, etc.) When I approached the chair again she told me to go to the Assistant Dean, so I did. The Assistant Dean spoke with him and for a very short while the student left me alone. I also told the Assistant Dean about the environment and he said that if he needed to sit down and talk to others for me to let him know. After that the environment did calm down.
Unfortunately, The student continued to harass me for a week after that. I went into the Assistant Deans office and told him to call the police. He did. I reported the incidences to the police.
While the police were on their way I saw the chair, and told her the police were coming as the student wasn’t leaving me alone. She asked me to sit down and proceeded to tell me I wasn’t doing well in my classes, that I needed to consider a different option. I have A’s, B’s, and C’s in all classes but hers. Her class is the class I’ve been harassed in and I did passed her class. My degree audit states I received credit for her class, towards my degree and that I have three courses left.
The day after I reported the incidences to the police I met with my Chair and that was when she stated that I needed to consider a counseling and that my grades were due to my emotions and that seeking help may be the answer to doing well in school. I have previous degrees including a graduate degree, and during both those degrees I was on the deans list. My graduate GPA was 3.88. This would be my my second Bachelors degree.
I completely support counseling and do not see anything wrong with that, unless you recommend that at the end of the semester and state that my emotions are why I didn’t do well in my classes when I’ve done well in all classes but hers, and it is partially due to the situation and her refusing to work with me. It doesn’t make sense to recommend counseling on literally the last day of the teachers final exam.
I submitted my psych eval from a psychiatrists office from January of this year as well as the monthly assessment from the doctors office to student affairs, who is investigating the situation. It states I have learning disabilities and slight anxiety and nothing more and that my medication is working. My grades have improved in all my other classes by 20% and in the teachers class, the one who has said all of these things, my grade did not improve but feel.
After I reported to the police, every single time I would see the chair she says something that doesn’t make sense due to it not being true OR it contradicting something she has said earlier in the semester. Much of what she has said that either not true or has no basis in fact only happened after I made the Police report. Except for the one time she refused to give me extra time on a test and I am registered with the Disabilities office. I went to speak with Disability Services and all they said was I look bad because I didn’t report it to them sooner and instead accepted extra points on the test instead of take extended time. Which is not true, I asked the teacher over and over and over if I could have that time instead and she constantly said no.
Now, here’s the other big issue other than the harassment, I have a copy of the police report and during the investigation the Teacher told the police that she only knew of one incident of harassment. This is obviously not true as through email I told her there were multiple situations of harassment and taunting. I even told her in person about the violent/rape jokes. The teacher also saw this student put the side of his body right up against mine and she did nothing. I emailed her afterwards explaining that it was not okay, which is the email evidence supporting that he lied to the police.
I’m so sorry for not being more clear. I have written out a very long timeline explaining all situations and exactly what was said with the date to be more clear to the schools student affairs. I’m stressed now because I finally have it done and it seems like things the teacher has said when she has said them is extremely questionable.
I became extremely worried when she told both Police and Student Affairs that there is no option but for the harasser and myself to be in a class this coming fall and it’s not just any class it’s a Senior Research Project, where we would have to work together in and out of class, and it’s underneath the same teacher.
I just feel very trapped and think I need council of some kind, possibly legal. My parents are not supportive. The believe when a woman is harassed, sexually assaulted, or raped she should not seek legal help but act as if it never happened. They’re not going to help me. They have just told the school they want me to be able to graduate which is better than nothing.
I’m over 25 so I cannot expect them to do too much for me at this point in these matters, I have to stand up for myself by myself. Which is not a bad.
I hope this is more clear. I’d be happy to send my timeline, though my timeline is ten pages long. I’ve been being harassed since mid March and if finally stopped in May during the week of final exams and thats probably due to refusing to be within the same room as the rest of the class. I even took my final exam in a separate room because the same teacher involved did not want it scheduled at the disabilities office but instead in her department under her viewing.
I just do not trust her and I really need to know what I can do to protect myself from both the instructor and the harasser? There is a No Contact order between myself and him but what do i do if the teacher makes me take the upcoming class with him? I know she will not step in if she sees something because she did nothing before and even lied to the police about it.
It seems like she’s trying to make me feel as if I can’t manage the last three courses and I know I can.