Please Post Your Stats

<p>A lot of you are asking about your chances, both for getting in and for merit scholarships. I think it would be very helpful for those that got accepted in the last few years to post their stats and what, if any, merit aid they received. </p>

<p>Also, when you start getting those nice big green and orange envelopes, post your stats and if you were given any merit aid.</p>

<p>I feel this would be more helpful to students than us just guessing.</p>

<p>I’ll start with my daughter’s stats from last year:</p>

<p>She was awarded a $16,000 Dean’s scholarship</p>


<p>ethnicity: White/Female
school: Well regarded public school in far NW New Jersey (top 2 students last year got into Harvard and MIT)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.96/4.42
Ranking: School does not rank except for top 2. I am #3 of 338
SAT I: 2100 (CR 670 W 740 M 690)
SAT II: Bio 790 Chem 770 Math II 720
AP: Total of 11
Soph:Physics B(4)/U.S. History(4)
Junior: Calc ab(5)/Bio(5)/Lang and Comp(4)/World History(5)
Senior: Chem/Env. Science/Calc bc/Lit and Comp/French
All other classes honors, hardest schedule permitted.
Took College Algebra course at local college btw. 10th and 11th grade to jump ahead in math and got A.</p>

IDI (Inform Defend Improve) Biology Club
President- grade 12 (9th 10th 11th 12th grade)
Science League (10th 11th 12th grade)
Math League (12th grade)
Mini-MORT (FIRST LEGO Robotics Team) Team Member then Mentor (9th 10th grade)Debate Team (9th 10th 11th 12th grade)
2007 Championships 2nd Place Negative Team
2007 Overall Season 2nd Place Negative Team
Gay-Straight Alliance (11th 12th grade)
Treasurer- grade 12</p>

<p>National Honor Society (11th 12th grade)
Mount Olive World Language Honor Society - French (10th 11th 12th grade)
Tri-M Music Honor Society For Violin and Double Bass (11th 12th grade)
Girl Scouts–Silver Award/Working on Gold Award
Mount Olive Press (9th 10th 11th grade)
Church Choir (Age 6-present)</p>

<p>Mount Olive Swim Team (9th 10th 11th 12th grade) Mt. Olive Varsity Award 05-06,
06-07, 07-08 seasons
Flanders Valley Swim Team (9th 10th 11th 12th grade)</p>

<p>150+ volunteer hours</p>

Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award 2008
New Jersey Governor’s School on the Environment 2008
AP Scholar with Distinction Award 2008
SUMO Invitational Orchestra 2008</p>

<p>Good idea. Since last year’s thread is so far down, this’ll definitely be helpful and cut down on the threads.</p>

<p>I got in last year…</p>


<p>ethnicity: White/Male
school: Rigorous college prep school</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8
Ranking: School doesn’t rank
SAT I: 1980 (CR 670 M 670 W 640)
I took the hardest schedule that my school offers.</p>

Student Council - Elected Member for 3 years, President 1 year
EPYCS - Community Service organization - 3 years
Disciplinary Council - 3 years
500+ Volunteer Hours</p>

<p>My school also had unique programs in which I participated that are not, technically, extracurricular, including:
approximately one month of camping throughout the year
a one month trip abroad, interacting with local cultures
equine program, in which I participated a total of more than 100 hours
outdoor education program, in which I participated more than 400 hours</p>

Computer Department Student of the Year
Residential Student of the Year
Head of School Award</p>

<p>And a bunch of other one’s that aren’t as legit, but still make me stand out, like…
“Out of the Box” award
“Friend to all” award</p>

<p>Excellent recommendation</p>

<p>I also attended Stanford for a summer and took 9 credits; my GPA was 3.7.
During two summers, I attended a camp (called C.A.M.P.) where I earned college credit for music; during one summer I had a job. So I made productive use of them all.</p>

<p>And I think this about sums it up. I got in with a 16k scholarship.</p>


<p>Nice idea, here is one for a fall 2007 admit: </p>

<p>White male
GPA: 4.0uw/4.5w
Honors/AP schedule
11/12 grade took college classes at local 4 year state university
School: Average midwest public
ACT: 31
Class Rank #5 of 300
2 varsity sports, Conference award winner, 3 club sports in off-season
Church volunteer, school club President, school club Vice President and newspaper editor </p>

<p>24K University Scholarship</p>

<p>It seems that most people who get into UM who posts their stats on CC are amazing students!
I’m so nervous I can barely sleep!
I’m not even looking for a scholarship I just want to get in!</p>

<p>Forgot to say:</p>

<p>Also post how you applied so we can test the “They are more generous in ED/EA theory”.</p>

<p>My daughter did Early Action.</p>


<p>That is why EVERYONE should post their stats, so we get a true representation of who gets in.</p>

<p>A true representation would be nice. Hopefully some EA’ers stats will be more relatable. Id love to post my stats with “accepted” :stuck_out_tongue: but I got a few more days 'till I find out. Keeeping my fingers crossed!</p>

<p>2007 Admit.</p>

<p>White male
GPA- 4.0 unweighted
ACT- 34
Valedictorian- 1/400
13 AP’s and 1 college class</p>

<p>Singer Scholarship- Full tuition. (Initially offered $22?K, then invited for Singer Weekend.)</p>

<p>Great school. Great scholastics.</p>

<p>2008admit/ EA</p>

<p>White female, NJ
$16,000/year scholarship offered
GPA: 3.7UW/4.1W
Rank: top 7%
SAT: 2100 ACT: 32
All honors w 6 AP’s</p>

<p>Do all people at UMiami get scholarships or only the ones who post on CC!?</p>

<p>^^here you go, elo7:</p>

<p>2009 admit/EA
White male, NJ
3.5 UW/ 3.9 W
top 12%
30 ACT (no sat taken)</p>

<p>No scholarship $$ offered</p>

<p>2010 admit/ ED
White/Asian Male PA
3.5UW 3.8W
Does not Rank
Pretty competitive prep school
SAT: M:700 CR: 570 W:550
School of Business
Mix of about 10 honors/AP’s
Zero Job experience and Volunteer
4 Years Varsity Baseball
4 Years Varsity X Country</p>

<p>$0 scholarship offered.</p>


<p>2007 admit was EA.</p>

<p>Some impressive students listed here!</p>

<p>EA here as well :)</p>

<p>PatsYanks06 posted this on last year’s thread. I am moving it here to the current thread:</p>

<p>I have a 3.37 unweighted GPA, 2000/2400 SAT’s, 33/36 ACT. I hope I’ll get in. Miami is my dream school. </p>

<p>I think you have a decent shot. Make sure to come back and update us on your results! Good luck.</p>

<p>did you know if patsyank06 got accepted?</p>

<p>I’m a senior so I’ll do this to the best of my memory:</p>

<p>ethnicity: White/Female
school: specialized high school in NYC</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 unweighted
Ranking: n/a
SAT I: 1410 (out of 1600)
SAT II: don’t remember
AP: French Language, Calculus AB, English Literature, US Gov, Comparative Gov
EC: 4 years varsity softball (2 years captain), Vice President of NHS, writer for student satirical newspaper, plus year-round travel softball outside of school</p>

<p>I was accepted EA with the Henry King Stanford Scholarship (half tuition).</p>

<p>Applied EA, waiting to hear back… hopefully tomorrow is the day</p>

<p>ethnicity: white male
school: extremely competitive, highly-recognized high school (ranked 20th)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.62 UW
Rank: school doesn’t rank
ACT: 32 (Miami superscores it)
SAT II: Bio M - 740
AP: Euro, Bio, Psych, Economics (both Micro and Macro), US Gov, Calc AB
College-Level Classes: Spanish IV literature (run through Adelphi University), SJU English (extremely difficult english course through St. Johns University), Advanced Spanish Conversation (also through Adelphi)
EC: Blue Key Club (4 years), Mock Trial, NHS, Spanish Honor Society, newspaper, working at orthodontist’s office, working at real estate office, etc.</p>

<p>hoping to get the 24k scholarship, but I’ll still be happy with the 16k</p>

<p>I found out i got in yesterday! :)</p>

<p>-African American Female
-From Maryland, School not very recognized
-Top 10% (27 out of 410)
-GPA: Unweighted-3.6 Weighted-4.1
-ACT: 23 SAT Comp: 1730
-Taking IB Courses (most rigorous at school)
-Founded a young entrepreneur club, senior class secretary, compose my own music, won deca state and county competitions, in the process of starting my own business, school newspaper, senior mentor, part time job (15hrs./week), four years of varsity basketball
-Applied early action through Common App
-Do not know about scholarships or anything yet (waiting for it to come in mail)</p>

<p>just got in! not sure if i’ll be attending…i didn’t love it when i visited. nevertheless, it feels good to be accepted!</p>

<p>ethnicity: white female
school: private</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 uw
Rank: school doesn’t rank
SAT: 2200 (640 Math, 760 Reding, 800 Writing)
ACT: 30
SAT II: French 750, World History 720
AP: World and English
College-Level Classes: honors french lit
EC: theater (acting, directing), president gay-straight alliance, human rights activism…and some more i don’t remember. </p>

<p>20k dickinson scholarship</p>