Please Post Your Stats

<p>I applied EA through Miami’s App, and was accepted into the Rosenstiel School as a Marine Bio & Fisheries major.</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Filipino/White Female
School: TN, small (700 total), public, not highly recognized
GPA: 3.98 (UW)
Rank: TBA (for now)… Top 1% of 140
ACT: 33
APs: 4 (English Comp, Chemistry, Bio, Calc)
Honors: 3 or more every year
College-Level Classes: Dual English
ECs and Awards: Good
-National Honor Society (VP)
-Environmental Committee (co-chair)
-Academic Team (Capt.)
-Key Club
-Peer Mentor for Special Needs Preschool
-Literary Review Committee
-Commitment to Graduate Team (Senior Mentor)
yadda yadda yadda
Recs: Great
Essay: ok :stuck_out_tongue:
Work Experience:Tutor</p>

<p>I got the University Scholarship for $24000! :)</p>

<p>got my envelope yesterday! :)</p>

<p>ethnicity: white female
major= Marine Bio!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.98 UW, 4.5 UW
Rank: 4/550-ish
SAT: 1960 (670 Math, 640 Reding, 650 Writing)
ACT: 29
AP: World (4) Biology (5) USHistory (5), APLang (4), taking AP Art History, AP Gov, and AP Calc AB this year !
College-Level Classes:lots.
EC: multiple clubs, 4-year varsity track, 2 years tennis (1 varsity), Lots of community service.
Recs= good, marine bio teacher, AP gov teacher, counselor.
Essay: Solid. </p>

<p>20k dickinson scholarship ! :)</p>

<p>do u guys think I’ll be accepted?</p>

<p>I applied for Regular Decision &

<p>GPA: 3.4 Unweighted, 4.0 Weighted
I Started in the ESOL Program (English for Students of Other Languages) when I was a freshman with the less demanding courses, now I’m a senior, and I’m taking the most advanced courses the school can offer.
My essay was “excellent” as said by my counselor.
Got a low score in the ACT and SAT, but I’m retaking them</p>

<p>Sent Two letters of recommendation and they were awesome</p>

<p>I’m Science Honor Society Ex-Vice president, Current Historian
Spanish Honor Society Vice-President
Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society Tutor)
Principal’s Student Advisory Committee member
I’m a Musician, but didn’t include that at all.</p>

<p>Current courses: AP Calculus, AP European History, College Algebra, Physics Honors, English IV Honors, Guitar 1(lol), AP Spanish.
Took 1 AP and various honors during my junior year</p>

<p>Took extra-courses thru Florida Virtual School Such as Economics Honors, Personal Fitness, ETC…</p>

<p>What do you guys think?..
Will I maybe get deferred?</p>

<p>I was accepted for EA, but no scholarship
GPA: about 3.8 unweighted, 4.5 cumulative, weighted
SAT: 1210, 1890
ACT: 26
ECs: basketball for three years, camp counselor for three camps, random service projects, assistant editor in school’s literary magazine, and studied abroad in Italy for the summer. President of Spanish Honors Society and member of National Honors Society and Math Honors Society
IB diploma candidate and I am fourth in my IB class, top 5%, I want to say, in the school.</p>