Popular Dorms

I’ve heard people say that the most sought after dorms fill up quickly. Which ones are most popular — the cheap ones or the suites?

Suites. Generally pres and honors(ridgecrest) fill up the fastest.

My son thinks he wants Riverside. Any advantage to that over Presidential Village? I realize it’s somewhat subjective.

Tut is popular with girls who are going through recruitment.

Do any of the dorms have gyms or are near a gym?

@cheli07 better location. I’m not a student so I can’t say much more.

@shelleyr25 pres has a massive gym right in-between the two towers.

Does anyone know if there are many girls that go through recruitment who are honors and choose the suites? D is going be in honors and is likely going to rush. She would much rather be in the honors suites to have a place to retreat and work on her studies. She is conflicted about dorm choices at this time if being in the honors dorms will put her at a disadvantage in recruitment. She doesn’t want to be isolated from the other girls rushing but feels that it would be much better for her academics and socially to have a place to be removed from drama. She doesn’t want to join the FB group yet since she still waiting on one EA school that could be a strong contender if the money comes through. We are hoping that there is time later in the winter to iron out these questions (she already did the housing paperwork on the first day it opened so she should have a great spot in line.)

@novicemom23kids yes. Even though the honors suites will be quieter, there are girls that are rushing all throughout campus. Trust me, she will easily find honors Roomate’s who are rushing.

Thanks @soyunchico @novicemom23kids My D is in a similar situation as yours. We are waiting on one more school’s scholarship info to come through before she makes a decision. She is also waiting on a friend’s decision as well so there are a number of factors with her housing if she does chose to go to Bama. She will qualify for Honors but does not necessarily want to live in Honors housing. If her friend enrolls and they chose to dorm together her friend will not be in Honors so that is that. They are leaning towards a suite but not sure what she will chose if the friend does not go. I mentioned Tut as an option since she would be rushing but she was hesitant to live in an all-girls dorm all the way over on that side of campus. So many decisions, we are going crazy over here!! LOL

Yes, there are plenty of girls who go through recruitment and also live in the suites (honors and otherwise). Being in the suites will not put a girl at a disadvantage during recruitment. She’ll just be further from the sorority houses, which means a longer trek for meals, meetings, study hours, etc.

@novicemom23kids my D is planning on going through Rush and living in honors housing. She knows that Tut would not be for her. She has found 3 other like minded roommates that all feel like your D.

My daughter is now considering Burke due to the location near the sorority houses and the attached dining hall. We have been doing a lot of research but if anyone has any direct experience we would love to hear about it!!!

A girl from my daughter’s high school (who was in a sorority but chose Alabama late and couldn’t get into Tut or the honors dorms) lived in Burke a couple years ago and loved it.

@beth’s mom Thanks! Good to know that she got in there being a late sign-up. My daughter is still not 100% committed since we are waiting on one more of her school’s scholarship offer. We did go and pay UA’s admission and housing deposit but that was just last week. She had looked into Tut but was not really interested in an all-girls dorm so I think that Burke would be a good fit for her.

@shelleyr25 Happy to see you in this discussion too - U of Alabama in addition to Temple is in my daugter’s Top 5 as well. Both good schools and I don’t think either of them could go wrong either way. We both loved the U of Alabama campus as well as Temple. Good Luck !

@lorhop hahahhaha!!! UA is turning into my D’s top choice. (her top 3 also includes UMd) We have not seen UA yet (visiting the end of Jan) but she was accepted and based on her scores will make HC as well as a nice merit scholarship. She has a friend who was also accepted and is seriously considering it as well. We are from NJ so to have a friendly face down there would be a bonus. We have actually already paid the admissions deposit as well as housing at UA since the Temple thing does not seem to be working out the way we had hoped. UMd would be great too but at this point it is all about the $. UA seems to be winning out. Keep me updated as to where your D ends up, for all we know their paths just may cross!!!

I am sure you and your D will LOVE UA campus - it really was amazing. My daughter and her younger sister who is 14 did not want to leave and she was ready to sign on the spot but I said she had to wait out the rest of the merit awards until she could commit. She as well got into Honors at UA and got a great scholarship as well so it is in 1st place right now - def. holding strong in the Top 5 along with Temple, University of South Carolina, Ohio State and Miami University of Ohio. Funny as we are from NJ as well so sure would be great to see smiling faces wherever they end up - hopefully our paths cross again and keep me posted when she commits and I will do the same. UA campus is fantastic, we went down the 1st week of Nov. when they had off for Teacher Convention and the town or city of Tuscaloosa was Gorgeous as well with great restaurants and shops - we really hated to leave. Enjoy your trip in Jan. - we are jealous , would love to go back.

Forgot to mention the dorms at UA were gorgeous and very large - we looked at a suite and it was really nice.