Possible longer wait for engineering department scholarships

We’ve heard different answers over the last couple of weeks, so I called the Engineering Department today to get an updated estimated time that the departmental scholarships would be given out for incoming freshmen. Over the phone today, I was told that the letters will go out (in the mail) and will be going out sometime in March, and possibly early April. If anyone has heard something different, I’d love to hear that this was wrong info. Haha!

@rvhappynow I think I was told this Monday by another representative ( I had been previously told a week before that it would take a few weeks for the scholarship decisions ) that it should possibly take another couple of weeks. So maybe mid-March is when they will release decisions. But they have been pushing their dates multiple times now. So it might as well be April when they send out letters.

@k_03 I know how you feel, being unsure. I do keep reminding myself that things are going to work out one way or another. Without a doubt, this is a great life lesson in patience.

If they don’t get them out by April 1st when the Ivy/Stanford/MIT decisions arrive, they may likely lose applicants to those schools. I would think they would want all information in the hands of their applicants by that date or they risk losing some good students.

Yes, I think they will be out before then. I really do. When she mentioned April, I was surprised, and I feel like they’ll be out in a couple of weeks. But then again, what do I know? Haha! March definitely seems more likely! At least, I’m not checking my Howdy Portal obsessively anymore. I’m now just keeping an eye on it here and there and watching for our sweet mail lady daily!

We just looked at my son’s award letter yesterday just to see if there were any changes and he has a new scholarship from the College of Engineering dept.

@amottmers Oh wow! Thank you for letting us know. And congratulations! Do you know when it came through? Any email through TAMU email or was it just updated in the financial portal? Sorry for all the questions, but does it say if it was competive or not? And would you mind sharing stats? I know we’re all anxious.

@rvhappynow I just happened to look at his award letter again late last night, I believe it showed up sometime yesterday or late Thursday. My son has been out of town but I will have him check his email to see if he received an email about it and let you know. It just says that it is from the College of Engineering Undergraduate Dept.

@amottmers thank you so much. I edited my earlier reply to you with a dozen questions. :slight_smile:

@rvhappynow I can answer a few, first the scholarship doesn’t really say much so I’m not sure if it was competitive or not. All it really says is College of Engineering Undergraduate Dept. Scholarship, I really wish it said more but it doesn’t. My son attends TAMS (Texas Academy of Math & Science) at UNT, I’m not sure what his GPA was last year (sorry), he scored a 1480 on the new SAT. He just text me to tell me he never got an email about the scholarship, which I think is a little strange, I would love to know more about the scholarship.

@amottmers Thank you again! At least we know they’re releasing some now, and hopefully more are to come. Again, congratulations, and maybe more people will check their portals and keep us all updated. Hoping for good news for everyone! Nothing new in ours yet, but we are hanging in there!

Thank you!!! Yes hopefully they are starting to release them and I really hope there will be many many scholarships given out.

Is the engineering department scholarship that @amottmers got was the CLEN UG DT Scholarship. I saw that I received the scholarship, it was a total of $1,250 for 2 semester.

@AryaStark518 Congratulations, and thanks for weighing in! Yes, I think that’s the same scholarship amottmers was mentioning. Just so you can help those of us waiting, do you mind sharing details such as if it was competitive, if you’re in or out of state, and what your stats might be. We are all in this together, and not only does it help us, it also helps the next groups coming up who will read these forums for next year.

@AryaStark518 Yes that is the same one my son received. Congrats.

My son just received this scholarship well. We just noticed it when checking his financial aid portal. Has anyone received an official communication on this scholarship?

@txsker First, congrats to your son! We’re still waiting. I don’t know much about this scholarship but very interested to know from the department if this particular scholarship y’all received is considered competitive to where it would count toward the waiver for out of state folks or is it an academic award to offer more money but doesn’t count as one you can stack for the waiver. Has it been a while since you checked the portal, or did it just show up today? The engineering department gave us a few different timelines on when the scholarships from them would be awarded, some said by end of February, and others said into March. At this point, all we can do is wait, but we aren’t giving up until he has no choice but to commit to another school at the end of April or so. Keeping the faith and hoping that won’t have to happen!

@rvhappynow The scholarship just showed up today. Good luck to you I hope you get good news soon.

@TxSker Thank you! That’s good news to hear, actually, because it means they didn’t all go out at the same time last week! Again, congratulations! Every bit helps!!!