<p>DAMNIT! I've really messed up guys - I don't know what I was thinking, my priorities were all over the place this last semester...a TRUE case of transferitis. I am afraid that I am about to be rescinded from Berkeley as a Cultural Anthropology major because my overall gpa this semester was below a 3.0. </p>
<p>Basically, I got all my grades in today, and they read as follows:
Precalculus: C (5 Credits)
Chem 151: B (4 Credits)
Anthro 220: B (3 Credits)
Engineering 101: B (2 Credits)</p>
<p>That leaves me with a semester GPA of 2.64! Is this the end? I mean, is there anything I can do? My Condition of Admissions says "You must complete all UC-transferable courses in the Winter and/or Spring 2010 terms with a 3.0 or higher GPA and no grade lower than a C." !!!</p>
<p>There are several reasons floating around my head why I SHOULD NOT be rescinded, but will they care?? Can I make an "appeal" type case?? I'll detail the reasons here:</p>
<p>*I did not need ANY of these classes to complete major requirements
*I did not need ANY of these classes for IGETC
*I already had 60 Semester Credits BEFORE this last Spring Semester started
*Precalculus is a new course for our school, and it is not even required elsewhere in order to get into Calculus 1 (It didn't even use to be required at our school into about a year ago..however...it IS UC transferable somehow..)</p>
<p>What do I do guys? Is there anything I can do??? Keep in mind my major is Anthropology. Man, I really wish I hadn't taken all those classes - this was the first time I've ever taken chemistry or engineering, I just wanted to try them out this last semester. </p>
<p>I was about to write an email to Evelyn, my Berkeley admissions officer, but I wanted to get advice here first. </p>
<p>Evelyn is my advisor too. </p>
<p>Anyway AJ, please contact here asap. If your advisor is Evelyn Madariaga, here’s her phone #:</p>
<p>Give her a call man. I really hope everything turns out alright! She’s chill, I meet with her sometimes.</p>
<p>thanks jane</p>
<p>@emil - she is my advisor - thanks for her number man, I just sent her an email, but I’ll give her a call today as well. Thanks man :)</p>
<p>I had the SAME situation, since 3 of my classes were 4 units the B’s I got in them were not high enough to balance out the C I got in my math class. My GPA was a 2.93 and CAL was going to rescind me BUT I begged, I mean on hand and knees, constant emailing/calling/camping in front of offices of all 3 of my professors trying to get atleast one of them to let me do some extra work to get an A. One “A” was all I needed to bring me to a 3.0. You are in the same situation. Get the teacher that gave you a “C” to give you a “B” (by doing extra work or something) and then you’re good. They will rescind you if you submit those grades!</p>
<p>ahhh man dude that sucks ass! definitely call your advisor asap</p>
<p>Very high chance you’re going to get rescind. Try to ask your prof to round up that grade; it’s the only solution. Good luck</p>
<p>I’ll ask the profs…Holy cow…I could’ve taken dance classes and still gotten in!! Why the hell did I decide to randomly take precalc and chem when I don’t even need them???</p>
<p>lol to be fair, i thought precal was harder than calc 1 and 2.</p>
<p>That sucks, I’m glad I’m not in your situation. xD</p>
<p>If I had a gun in my hand you’d be dead cupertino. no. I’m not joking. </p>
<p>Ahh that sucks.
I have a friend who’s a math major, with a 4.0 going into junior year, and he told me Precalculus is much harder than actual Calc classes also.</p>
<p>So I emailed Evelyn, and then I called and left her a message. Then I emailed two of my teachers, making a case for a grade change. I’m exhausted, and so stressed out - my stomach is in knots. </p>
<p>Nothing to do now but wait. I’m gonna go find some nyquil and fall asleep for say 10 hours.</p>
<p>they don’t rescind if you report properly, I’ve heard some transfer friends </p>
<p>how the hell do you get a C in precalc? (wow)</p>
<p>@anonymous Don’t give me false hope dude! What sorts of situations were your friends in? Please be more specific</p>
<p>Precalc is freakin hard for me ok!!! When I started this class, I didn’t remember anything from trig, didn’t remember how to deal with radicals even. I def learned a lot, but I really wasn’t good at it.</p>
<p>“Why the hell did I decide to randomly take precalc and chem when I don’t even need them!!!??”</p>
<p>seriously. WHYYYYYYY??</p>
<p>I also took clases I didn’t need. It became really troublesome but my frame of mind was that it could help me become a more competitive applicant. The long hours of labs bored me to tears. Staring at a clear solution coming down drip by drip in anticipation of the solution on the bottom turning JUST the right shade of pink didn’t excite me,neither did stressing about significant figures lol. As for the situation, as long as the C wasn’t related to your major maybe that will be a help^^</p>
<p>You don’t know until you hear from your advisor.</p>
<p>^lol… Titration. Gotta love that. Wasn’t getting the faintest kind of pink solution simply satisfying? =DDDD</p>
<p>^ I HATED that lab! It took me a bajillion tries. Hahaha</p>
<p>one got 2 D’s and 1 F (the F was in an online course). He was in haas and was working part time during the schoolyr so he wrote them an essay or something and they allowed him to stay. The other just said that they don’t recind **** cuz he got a D+ during his last semester as a environmental sci major (or something) and they didn’t even care when he reported it. you should report it, but I wouldn’t worry. (even though those are just 2 anecdotes from people who I** met here** :D)</p>
<p>you go to de anza? precalc is not new to de anza, and it has always been the predecessor of calculus…</p>