Postponed Applicants

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>A few days ago I went back to last years postponed thread to see when people started to hear back and I believe that it began on the 12th. Thus, does anyone think that some of us should hear back today?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>Hey, i applied to UW Madison and was postponed as well! :frowning: I’m trying to be postive about it because I really want to go there. The letter I got said I would receive a decision by early April but on the website it says postponed applicants will know by March 15th, so I don’t know when i will find out.</p>

<p>Last year every postponed applicant received a decision by March 15th but some heard earlier than others</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, to all the postponed applicants, where are you going to college as of now? (top school that you have gotten into)
Mine is UIUC College of Business</p>

<p>Ok that’s good then so I will find out earlier than expected! So nervous though… But if I don’t get into Uw-Madison I am going to Cu-Boulder.</p>

<p>Hey, do you have this tab on your decision page on My UW That says academics? It would be right above the tab that says admissions</p>

<p>I have the academics tab on my student center. Has anybody heard back yet??!?!</p>

<p>I don’t think so, it’d be nice if more people could acknowledge whether or not they have this tab so we can have a better idea on what it means</p>

<p>what qualifies an applicant as postponed? I haven’t heard of this before. I applied a few weeks before the deadline and still haven’t heard back so does that make me a postponed applicant?</p>

<p>I was PPD but got in PSU and UMiami which are probably better for me so I don’t really care.</p>

<p>Dantheman, do you have the academics tab on my UW?</p>

<p>I am a postponed applicant with the “Academics” tab on the student center decisions page as well. I would guess that the tab appeared for all applicants - admitted, postponed and those still awaiting regular decision and that there’s no underlying decision-related meaning in its appearance. </p>

<p>If you click on the academics tab and then click on “Class search” - it reads:<br>
“Fall 2012 Class Search listings will be available on Wednesday, March 14.”</p>

<p>Just checked my student center and it still says the same thing. I have the academics tab too but I don’t know if it means anything.</p>

<p>As has been posted before, there’s no tipping with stuff in Student Center. Everybody got Academics within the last few days because class listings will appear soon for Fall 2012. Happens every spring.</p>

<p>You will get an e-mail immediately at the time your status changes. There’s never been any tipping off of a change in status. Stay focused on spring semester grades in case they end up determing whether you get admitted or not. </p>

<p>There’s a rumor going around campus that the percentage of students accepting offers is way, way higher than normal.</p>

<p>But I didn’t get an email when the first decision to postpone me was made. I found out by checking my student center</p>

<p>Under academics you all have the placement test page right?</p>

<p>Pranksta, I do indeed.</p>

<p>Has anyone received a decision yet?</p>

<p>No not yet :(</p>

<p>Decisions, anyone?! Also, I was deferred (postponed, whatever) early action so I’m waiting on a decision, but I don’t have an Academics tab. Should I be worried?</p>