UW-Madison Postponed

So I recently got postponed by UW Madison. I feel like my application was strong except for my unweighted gpa of a 3.2. I was wondering if anyone else has gone through a similar situation. I’ve tried to stay away from senioritis and I ended up with 3 As 3Bs and a C this past semester. Im still taking a rigorous course load with APs. The rest of my stats are on a different post. Anyone else in the same boat?

Found out today I got into U of I Urbana-Champaign so im not as stressed out. Madison is still my top choice though.

@Juju928 I’m the opposite lol got into UW but wait-listed in UIUC. At least you still have 50/50 chance getting to UW while I don’t think wait listing will do me any good!

I’m in the same boat as you, I got postponed in the beginning of January and this wait is awful!