Postponed.. Phooey. Chances?

<p>I have about a 3.4 GPA, 25th-ish percentile rank, 31 ACT, great extracurriculars (Class President, 8 Theatre productions, co-captain of Forensics team, Junior Acheivment teacher, Varsity XC, S.A.D.D, shift manager at Cold Stone Creamery, Student of the Month, Faculty VIP, and more..), a great essay.. I got postponed. I'm assuming my grades are what got me, but my mid-year grades are good, (Straight A's and one C in Trigonometry)..</p>

<p>What do you think my chances of being admitted in March are?</p>

<p>Please respond, I'll love you forever. x)</p>

<p>surprised they waitlisted you with the 31. Grades are a killer. Must have been late in the game? I noticed that you were waitlisted in twin cities as well, which is a bit ridiculous by twin cities standards. I would look around; it's still not too late to apply to some more publics for safety reasons. Keep your options open and remember: waitlists exist for the express benefit of the college, not the student. I was deferred at UChicago, so I am writing a letter to the admissions office. This is a common practice, so I have heard, perhaps it will be a good idea in your case. Just make sure, in one way or another, that if you are admitted you will certainly attend. The stats don't matter at this point, if they didn't like them the first time, they won't like them the second. Showing them that you are passionate about the school is the best thing you can do right now.</p>

<p>Grades matter. Ability doesn't matter if you don't do the work. Low grades may mean you don't know the material, or you don't do the required work- which may mean you don't know how to study, both of which can lead to disaster in college. No university wants to accept students only to have them flunk out; some gifted students do poorly because they never learned how to study. Another factor is that there is competition for the places in college- the university wants the best students it can get. Some of the best students are finally applying now, realizing they need a safety school. If you do get in you benefit from having the best students with you, it is not only the school that benefits. Remember, you are postponed, not rejected. Good luck.</p>

<p>Idealistic32, your list of accomplishment is impressive. I suspect the biggest red flag in your application is the class rank. But don't assume anything. Pick up the phone and ask the admission (nicely) if what could you do to get out of the postpone list. Also make sure you get the supplemental info in. At this point, any extra interest and communication may give you the edge. Good luck!</p>

<p>thats really weird that you didnt get in. i have a 3.3 and a 1250 and got in. I am from Miami, Fl and applied in october thoguh. Maybe that helped. I would write a letter, send them a list of recent accomplishments such as athletic/academic/community service awards and also grades that would help you out. try not to send c's.</p>

<p>I worked at coldstone and the shift leaders did nothing but smoke bong all day. They went on to schools nowhere near the level of wisconsin. I hope you're not the same as them.</p>

<p>With a 3.3 and a 1250 you had a 20% chance--consider yourself fortunate to be from Florida.</p>

<p>I'd say your chances are pretty decent if you can improve that C. But what do I know, I'm in your same boat, waitlisted at both Twin Cities and Wisconsin (Twin Cities since November, Wisconsin since October).</p>

<p>I'm going to be sending in my semester grades this week (straight As this semester with hard classes, 1 college A etc), and also writing a letter and calling my admissions counselor who I talked to back in October. I sent in my supplemental application quite awhile ago, and am feeling quite confident after my good 1st semester this year, but still pretty unsure what my chances are. My cumulative GPA was a 3.76 (will go up to a 3.8 after this semester), my ACT is a 28, and my class rank is in the top 23% of my class. According to my admissions counselor the class rank is what hurt me the most. I have lots of extracurriculars (Student Council, National Honor Society, Big sister for Big Brothers Big Sisters, DECA President, 1st place DECA awards etc, but that didn't seem to help me out the first time around. Anyone care to chance me now?</p>

<p>Good luck to you! Hopefully there's still room for us :)</p>

<p>Good luck to all applicants. My son is still waiting to hear. The application was complete in late November so they are really taking their sweet time about it. :(</p>

<p>fabalyss21, great job on your 4.0 semester! I am also pleased to read about all the other extra works you are doing. My gut feeling is your chance is better than average (50/50) .. just be patient as the admission sorts out the waitlisted candidates in coming weeks. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! Any support helps alot at this point. It's getting down to the last few days before they re-evaulate our applications :)</p>