Postponed Students

<p>Amandarin, I won’t be so arrogant as to tell you what your priorities should be without knowing you personally and more about your situation. Your stats from another thread are around the bottom 20% for Madison. UW feels you may need some extra support to succeed there and have offered it to you. You’ve been accepted at some fine schools, two of which may mean more to employers and others in your area than UW does if that’s where you want to end up. On the other hand, UW may be correct on the needing some extra support that you may not get at the others. I would suggest that you should make an honest assessment of your academic abilities and preparedness and make a decision. I don’t know what the summer conflicts are but bypassing this chance could turn out to be shortsighted.</p>

<p>I saw where not only do you get free tuition, books, room and board, but you also get 6 UW credits- that means a lot for freshman year. You will be able to take 12 credits instead of 15 each semester to be on track to graduate in 4 years- a real bonus to you in doing well. You also get to know the campus and enjoy Madison in the summer- something most students would envy you for. The deadline for application is May 1st, by then you will have decided which college to attend- if UW definitely do this.</p>

<p>To be clear Amandarin, I don’t believe anyone here is arranging your priorities for you. Nor would I say you were shortsighted, if you ultimately decided not to attend UW. It looks like you have several good choices. What is being communicated is that getting admitted to UW is a big deal that you should seriously consider in spite of the fact that AAP might impinge on what you would otherwise be doing this summer.</p>

<p>One, I didn’t comment to get a ton of ■■■ I know my priorties and Yep cool room and ■■■ for free? Sweet well when this is my first summer back in America and I have plans to go on trips already booked I’m not giving that up i’ve gotten into plenty of schools I like sk yep , but thanks for the preaching! Twas greatly appreciated</p>

<p>^haha, yeah, some adults on this site…; P</p>

<p>Enjoy growing up. When you ask for advice and get honest practical advice from people older and wiser than you and don’t like it–well you are the loser in the exchange. A sign of immaturity is not being able to delay gratification. </p>

<p>PS- The other schools you got into–not Wisconsin level.</p>

<p>man… it would not be fun to spend the summer up in madtown and still get six credits for free… what a waste of time</p>

<p>^^i think being older makes u the <em>loser</em> in every other exchange ;)</p>

<p>I don’t care about the prestige ? I’m actually a large fan of Penn state and uconn but good to know I’m a loser :wink: thanks! I didn’t ask for advice I never asked for advice I just said I didn’t understand in not sure where you get that I needed adivce but yep :slight_smile: I’ll enjoy my life it’s damn good so far</p>

<p>And I’d rather have my summer in Aruba with my family and best friend then college when I’ll hVe 15 credits comming in already</p>

<p>And I think if I wasn’t smart enough to get in then I don’t deserve to go I’m. Firm believer in that just like I think transferng to a school you didn’t get inti the first time is stupid</p>

<p>I don’t really agree with that statement. I didn’t get into UW the first time around after being postponed but people with stats lower than mine did- that just goes to show how random admissions are sometimes. It doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough, it means sometimes luck doesn’t sway your way. And I’m applying for the fall as a transfer, I don’t see anything stupid about wanting something bad enough to not give up on it.</p>

<p>It’s just a personal opinion…</p>

<p>FYI mods is there anyway to delete my posts here?</p>


<p>I think you are taking the advice from barrons too personal. UW is climbing up the ladder fast and you should definitely consider this opportunity seriously. These guys on here are just trying to help you understand how beneficial this could be in the long run. Whatever you decide, good luck in your future endeavors.</p>


<p>Well it’s pretty annoying to be told I’m a loser and I don’t have my priorities straight? uh sorry? I understand it can be GREATLY beneficial and exciting but no ones gonna convince me that giving up my summer and last time with my friends is worth it. I mean it may be but apparently i dont have my priorities straight. My parents wont let me go during the summer anyway? so yeah it’s not just me. That’d be an utter waste of money we’ve already booked trips for</p>

<p>hello i was postponed in november</p>

<p>I took a REALLY heavy course load this year and am currently lined up to take 5 AP tests</p>

<p>My mid year transcript shows that my GPA increased by about .3</p>

<p>but I received a C+ and a C in two VERY difficult courses</p>

<p>I am president of 3 organizations, section leader in 4, member of numerous groups, a few honors societies, and just auditioned at their school of music (with what i think was a good audition)</p>

<p>Will these two C’s almost definitively keep me out? They were received in mid February…so if they were that bad shouldn’t i have already been rejected?</p>

<p>applepush- someone could argue with your description. HS students can only take as many courses as there are hours in a day- many students never have a study hall, take many AP courses, and those courses you did C work in probably had students getting an A. What you consider difficult can be a breeze for another student (I know one who also spent time with many EC’s, got more 5s than 4s on as many AP exams…and would have had better grades if zeroes weren’t factored in on the course with 100% on tests). I would spend more time learning the academic material and less time with the extracurriculars. Running all of those clubs, etc, will not prepare you for college work more than hitting the books more. Think about your priorities.</p>

<p>yes…i do regret focusing so much on those ECs but at this point saying that, that was bad is hindsight. I am wondering if that will almost definitively keep me out</p>

<p>applepush-taking in to account your heavy course-load & increased mid-year GPA, i definitely don’t think those Cs should hold u back. plus, your presidency in 3 clubs should work to your advantage, both in the admissions process & in your future experiences. u definitely still have a shot with UW :]</p>

<p>“those courses you did C work in probably had students getting an A”</p>

<p>bad assumption. last year, i took a course [arguably one of the most difficult AP classes in my school], in to which i put my most valiant, A±effort & did A±work, & ended up getting a C. i had a friend [naturally, extremely gifted] who put C-work in to that same class & ended up with an A. in fact, he put C-work in to all of his classes, while i constantly gave my all…which is why i ended up with fantastic letters of recommendation, while 2 separate teachers actually declined to write him one at all. moral of the story:grades often-times do not correspond with effort, but that is okay, because your teachers will most likely recognize & make known your efforts.</p>

<p>thank you for reassurance :slight_smile: i’m still not going to make assumptions </p>

<p>i feel the same way about this class</p>

<p>One of the C’s the teacher openly told a student he disliked my insights…so I find it hard to accept that C. especially when i’ve taken some of his grades to other teachers in the department and they have graded me WAYYY higher than he did. hurray for subjective teachers.</p>