Pre-Registration Advising for the College of A&S

<p>My D is in the college of A&S and doesn’t understand how to make an advising appointment so she can get her registration hold lifted. She did try emailing the College of A&S, but never got a reply. </p>

<p>I found on the College of A&S website an Advising Online Appointment System at
[SARS·GRID</a> On-line Appointment System](<a href=“]SARS·GRID”>SARS·GRID On-line Appointment System).
It says: Be advised that this site is for scheduling appointments with your College Advisor or Pre-Professional Advisor. To make an appointment with your Major/Faculty Advisor, visit your major departmental office. All first-year students will be advised by their College or Pre-Professional Advisor. When you click on the link it does give the option of making a registration appointment. </p>

<p>I am assuming since D is a first-year student, she CAN use the website to schedule an appointment with a College Advisor. Does it matter if her AP credits give her sophomore status? </p>

<p>And if you go this time to the College, when do you get your Major Advisor? If D is a double major, will she get 2 advisors?</p>

<p>My son was trying to figure this out too, and he ended up receiving an email from his advisor just yesterday with information on advising and how to set up an appointment. So check your DHRTs email just in case she received one too. And look in the spam folder.</p>

<p>this isn’t answering your question… sorry! but how do you post a new thread?? I’m having so much trouble</p>

<p>There is a little button that says “new thread” on the top left, just above where the threads are listed.</p>

<p>I checked her email and nothing. She also said she looked on the Honors College website and it said: In order for their hold to be lifted to register for classes, all students must meet with an academic advisor in their major college. If you do not know your major advisor, contact your major department. All undeclared majors must meet with an academic advisor from the College of Arts and Sciences. </p>

<p>She is very confused and very crabby since she came down with her first illness away from home. Of course she would have been crabby at home too.</p>

<p>LOL Linnylu. Then I can’t help, sorry. If I run across anything else, I will post here for you.</p>

<p>She should visit her dept office and ask if she hasn’t received any emails.</p>

<p>Also…often there are posters up around A&S with advising info. Kids do often miss what’s right in front of their faces…lol.</p>