Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

OMG!!! fingers crossed for all

do you care to tell us the news? D or S? SO nerve-racking!!!

Trying to remember which schools emailed this past weekend, or last week. I believe Indiana, Hartt, one of the OK schools, Sam Houston, UNC, Alabama (that was maybe right after CAP), FSU, Ohio, MSU…

Are you asking me? DS and positive. :wink:


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that’s AMAZING and FANTASTIC! Does DS mean dear son? LOL I’m new to this.


@dharmawins Yes DS son, DD daughter. Reply I think 15 times in order to be able to pm private message someone. I still need to do this :wink:

Congrats!! Heard that’s one of the TOUGH ones!!

Is anyone else having issues with this “new” format? It is hard to tell who I am replying to and I have had a lot of issues with current messages loading!

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UMich: Submitted 11/22; Results 12/1

hope it’s good news!

Has your D had any live auditions yet? If not, maybe Ball State just hasn’t sorted through those yet. My D had a live audition through Moonifieds; in other words I don’t even know whether they looked at her prescreen videos to begin with (they may have simply taken her live audition into consideration and not her videos). Fingers crossed for your daughter! <3

Yes! Very thankful that he passed this one!

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My daughter is having her first Zoom audition at Wright State. The slots are 8 minutes apart. Wondering what this entails!

Also- has anyone heard anything from Ball State? Digitals uploaded but haven’t heard anything .

mine has Ithaca Friday morning! all so exciting!!! Good luck to all

OMG yes! We are waiting to hear from them. My DD is on pins and needles!

Hoping that she hears from them soon! And best of luck to her on Friday! :heartpulse:

oops, it’s Saturday not Friday. Thanks for your well wishes!!

No, she didn’t have a live audition. She just sent in the videos. Hopefully we’ll hear something soon! Thanks!