Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

We are still waiting on three prescreens Elon, PP, and Boco.

We submitted applications early for non-prescreen programs so that DD had choices. So far she has acceptances for MT to the following BFA programs:
Uarts Philly, Stephens College MO, Jacksonville University Fl, Belmont TN, and SCAD for BFA Preforming Arts. Did anyone else apply to any of these programs? Thanks

Has anyone heard of MSM yet?

I thought that the requirements for MT said not to apply EA but to apply RD. So we applied RD. A few schools were very specific about that, and I was certain Elon was one of them.

What is MSM

Manhattan School of Music - Submitted 10/28; results 12/18

OMGosh…we can’t seem to log in to our MSM accounts- this is our final school to hear from…

NM!! Got it!!

My D just got the yes from MSM-

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We got a yes too from MSM. A lot of this makes no sense! My D got redirected to acting at Carnegie and Ithaca, but passed prescreen for MT at UMich and not acting. All so weird!


Omg it makes no sense at all! I concur. I guess every school has their own thing or niche, bc we have similar experiences as you, in the opposite direction.

I’ve been loving the support in this thread and wanted to comment some of my results!
TXST - submitted Nov 1, results Nov 24 (didn’t pass)
FSU - submitted Nov 26, results Dec 10 (passed)
IWU - submitted Dec 10, haven’t heard back
Emerson - submitted Dec 12, haven’t heard back
Webster - submitted Dec 18, haven’t heard back yet
I’ve been accepted into Viterbo, UT Arlington, and Southern Arkansas for BFA MT and Oklahoma City for BFA Acting :slight_smile: I’ve also been waitlisted at Sam Houston for BFA MT


Elon said not to apply at all until you passed prescreens. We applied 9/21 (cut off for fall audition slots). He passed prescreens on 10/14 and we applied early action on 10/30. We got deferred academically and found out today denied artistically. Temple U & Howard were the only other ones on my spreadsheet that said you could do Early Action.

It’s a bummer is this happened before Christmas and Elon was a top 5 choice (we have friends that thrived there). The sunnyside is that he had his doubts and now that’s not an issue. He will end up where he’s supposed to end up.


Is Viterbo high on list. D accepted there MT. we want to visit before she makes final decision.

Preface- My kids don’t like it that I’m on different “support” sites- but I NEED them!! Everyone is so great!! Since this part of the journey is over, and I know how much reading how things went in the past years has enlightened/encouraged me, I’ll share, and hopefully no child gets mad at me!!
(date submitted/date heard back/yeah or nay) I’ve got two, so will share the differences as well.

CMU- 9/3, 9/10, the other 9/14, Y
CCU- 9/17, 9/20, Y
Elon- 8/29, 10/14, N/Y
FSU- CAP, 10/11, N/Y
IL W- 9/3, 10/23, Y
Ithaca- 9/17, 10/23, Y
MSM- 9/23, 10/18, Y
OKCU- CAP, 11/15, Y
Otterbein- 9/14, 10/2, the other 10/28, one Y, the other N- then a Y after CAP, then N…can we say "rollercoaster?!?
Millikin- CAP 9/14, 9/15, Y
Pace- 9/17, 9/23, Y
Penn St- 8/29, 10/19, Y
TCU- 9/17, 10/2, Y
TXST- 9/14, 10/17, Y
U of AZ- 9/14, 11/13, Y
CCM- 8/29, 12/16, Y
Webster- CAP, 11/15, Y
Shenandoah- received ps pass from a mock audition/workshop
Rider- 9/something, 10/14, Y
Michigan- 8/29, 11/5, Y

We did have a few non-ps schools, and some wonderful artistic acceptances from CAP- for those future MT parents (which I am also one of those) I would totally recommend. We found some true “hidden gems!!” Best of luck to those still waiting!! “Fun” is something the is NOT!!!


Manhattan School of Music!

Curious…anyone whose sin or daughter auditioned at Ithaca…

Our only one so far…did you find them to be unusually kind and encouraging? Like they left your kid feeling on top of the world?

I can’t imagine they are all so kind. Just curious to hear others experiences!!


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My boys did!! I was in the next room- they were really nice/encouraging!!

Mot of them are “THAT” kind!! Even if a little more formal!!

Ok guys I need a boost!!

DD has almost exactly a 50 percent pass rate in her prescreens.

Yes from some reaches and middles, but no from some reaches and middles also.

Six prescreens passed plus four schools that don’t require prescreens will result in 10 auditions.

Six rejections, many from top top schools like CMI, Texas state and Michigan.

Two more reaches left to hear from.

Need encouragement here! Oh she does have a safety but really doesn’t want to go there!

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

@dharmawins 10 auditions is amazing and it’s not to late to add schools. Your story sounds similar to my DD however, she added a few more great schools just recently. Stay the course your performer is doing great!!