Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

It is tough when you cant read the auditioners, but sometimes I think maybe it is better. In addition to my daughter applying for MT, I have a son auditioning for trumpet performance. Over and over I hear of kids who got their hopes up based on positive feedback and a strong connection during the auditions and then didn’t get in. The whole process is agonizing whatever way you look at it. Keep us posted on your results. Best of luck!!!

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Thanks! And For sure! She has friends who went through this last year and many said they got into schools they thought didn’t like them and didn’t get into schools that they thought loved them during the audition. I’m sure it’s like that during their entire careers, lol! That’s why you audition and forget it. I could never do it!

hey!! just checking in. all kinds of pins and needles here:) auditions going fine but no feedback yet fir any of the schools. and so we wait…

spring break is march 8, hopefully she will have a school to visit that she’s either waitlisted or accepted to!!!

how are your girls doing?

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My daughter also liked the dance for PSU. She enjoyed the zoom call with students and faculty- and we sat in on the one the Friday before too and both were very helpful. She liked their vibe a lot but did say it was short and sweet. They did not say if they look at both the prescreen again in addition to the audition videos. Goodl uck to all of you!!! xoxo

Sending lots of good vibes to you and your daughter.

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@dharmawins Hang in there! I know it’s nerve wracking!

My D is somewhat chill since this is her second time through this and she is on a gap year so isn’t worrying about school work/show/travel. Last year was just awful.

We have gotten news from 2 schools post-audition that she has passed through to the final group, which is welcome news and really helps validate her decision to go through this craziness again. Last year she was on multiple wait lists through June so if we can get any kind of certainty by spring she will be ecstatic.



Thanks for sharing! The event starts an hour and a half before my Ds audition time. Should she expect to be in the chat room interacting that full time?

FYI…one of my Ds friends just got good news from BOCO. He auditioned about 3 weeks ago.

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My D just got good news today from BOCO!


Was it an official acceptance letter, or an invitation to a virtual event for accepted students? My D got the invitation but no acceptance letter! Congrats to your daughter!

She got an invite for accepted Students meeting, but it seems this went out before official acceptance per another group that checked with the school

i remember reading your story. what incredible resilience that she is doing this again and going for her dreams!!!

last year sounds insane for you all!!! may i ask wheee she was waitlisted and of course no need to tell. just trying to get info about how this all works!!

so glad it’s going well so far!!!

Thank you!

may i also ask…which schools told her she passed to final group? if you care to say. thanks so much!!

Last year she was waitlisted at UMiami, Indiana and IWU…

Congrats. I think lots of kids pondered that very situation last yr thanks to covid. That’s so great she is hearing favorable news. Here’s to multiple acceptances!!!

Doing this twice takes tremendous fortitude.


She should expect to be in the zoom room (there’s a waiting room first, they slowly let people in), but there was really no pressure to interact. A lot of people asked questions and conversation flowed, you never got the sense that they were judging you through that part of the process. To my knowledge it was just short interviews, no auditions that day.

My sons feel the same. The dance videos are burning them out. The began auditioning really early. They have even dropped a couple schools, because they don’t want to learn the dances…I wasn’t sure how to direct them, but they also have options they prefer.


this is good to hear bc my daughter is also like REALLY??? some of them are more complicated than others.

ok! that sounds heartbreaking!! here’s to a great result for her.!!