Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

My D submitted 12/11. She has also been academically accepted and we have not heard yet either. I hope it wasn’t one of those envelopes my Hubby tossed in the trash!

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So I’m assuming those that were waiting on BOCO early action decisions and didn’t get the invitation for accepted students weren’t accepted? My D hasn’t heard anything.

as you probably know, I know nothing about this. But it seems to me that if she was actually rejected she would have heard. Might be worth emailing them? xxxooo

How was the third singing audition? Just as friendly as first? If you don’t mind me asking

Thank you - this makes me so nervous though! Not supposed to read into these things, right, but how can you not? Ugh.

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It’s on Friday!!

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Nothing from CMU vocal performance about them wanting to hear more, but I did receive an email from one of the professors telling me more about her studio, CMU and Pittsburg. She also connected me with a student, which was very helpful.


That’s very positive!!


My D got an offer from Rider :heart_eyes:. What a great day !!


Yay!! Congratulations!!


Thank you! I hope so.

congrats @moosegirlemy2 I remember you from our journey last year.

FANTASTIC NEWS about Rider!! she sure earned her spot!!!

got some good news from Catholic yesterday!! SO excited and relieved


@kmwahl1 that is great news! Congrats. You can take a breath!

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Congrats all! Glad to hear decisions are trickling down!

As acceptances from schools start (slowly right now) rolling in, please update the thread linked below. Thanks!

Congratulations! When did she audition? My D has her audition in a couple of weeks.


She auditioned on Sunday night. They said in the info session that they usually let people know their status within approx. 2 weeks (yes, no or on hold thru March for final decisions). Audition is very straightforward and they were super organized. Good luck!