Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

crazy process is right. honestly I feel like I’ve landed on another planet. My friends cannot believe what we MT parents and kids, most of all, go through in this process. It’s INSANE! Whew, vent over. I know once there is even one actual final decision I will feel differently but right now…


Congratulations on the Waitlist result though!!

she didn’t check her portal actually! so
we don’t know!

I’ve been told by 3 moms that they do that at Montclair. We have our fingers crossed for Wagner. One of his top 3. We have Manhattaville BFA right now, and some wonderful BA options to consider too.

cool!! DD hasn’t really gotten final decisions back from any schools after prescreens. but i think wagner is coming soon. fingers crossed for both of us!! well for our kids actually!

and ithaca i think will come at end of feb based on what i’ve seen from prior years.

When did she apply? My d’s letter did not change. She sent her videos in early Nov.

We applied in late October. Most people that I know who applied before Christmas have heard. I wonder if you should email them?

mine sent in early
november also. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Has everyone heard one way or the other about Montclair MT program decision? My son applied for both the BFA Acting and the MT program. He received a callback of sorts this past weekend for the acting program and yesterday received an email from the program saying he was accepted. The email had an admission letter attached. When he checked his portal this morning however the same Dec “undeclared major” admission letter is there. No mention of MT results, or the Acting. Truly terrible way of doing things…

mine has not gotten everything and has not checked her portal either.

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did you hear anything yet? (Montclair State). Thanks.

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Checking back to see if you have heard from Belmont yet. She might send an email if she doesn’t hear by Thursday, which will be six weeks.

No! her letter is the same it was back in December–no updates to the letter like others have mentioned.

Hi! Thanks for checking in. I emailed Belmont and they told me the letter was mailed last week. So it should be here by now or any day. She said if I did not see it this week to contact her. Mail has been awful since before the holidays!

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I read in another group something about the letters in the portal being updated?

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point park rolling in, just got the yes for BFA theater arts!!!


Got the No from Montclair, in the portal (letter changed)
A few minutes later, got an email to check the portal–big scholarship letter. They are really messed up–there’s got to be a better way to do this.


Congrats!!! When was your son/daughter’s callback?

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thank you! Im actually the student!! my callback was just three days ago on the 30th, so very surprised at the fast results, especially with others not hearing with auditions far before mine


Good for you!!! Great program:)

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