Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

That means they really want you! How fantastic. Congrats!!

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So thrilled for you! Congrats! :confetti_ball::balloon::tada:

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In the past 24 hours, we received a rejection from Montclair (with confetti) dated in November, a big scholarship offer, and now ANOTHER rejection email dated today. (The confetti is still there!) At some point you just have to laugh!!! Everyone brace yourself for the new rejection because they REALLY do not want our children! LOL!


Montclair must be short on cash. Last year everyone got socks with their rejections (or at least within a few months of the rejection ;))


wow!! my daughter has said nothing! how insane.

Woohoo and big CONGRATULATIONS!!

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New to the site---- this audition process is a heart attack!!! My daughter got 17 auditions, and is about half way through … not knowing anything is awful. She’s gotten passed over on a few schools, which is emotionally draining, and is still waiting on 7 schools to respond to prescreens (the CA schools are later than the East Coast and Mid-West schools). Crazy process!!

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My daughter just got her rejection from Montclair— very upset, she thought she did well… still have a bunch of outstanding auditions and schools who haven’t released decisions, but… it’s spooky to watch opportunities evaporate.

I totally totally second, third and fourth what you are saying. Crazy process indeed. Mine also got rejected by Montclair; thankfully for her it wasn’t a school she was focused on. It is still hard and it still hurts. And just one offer would really be great at this point. Soon, soon, they say we are at mile 23 of the marathon!


Yeah – the funny thing is she didn’t even really like Montclair - RIght up until she got the rejection!!! She has one acceptance (U of the Arts, Philly), but doesn’t really want to go there… her other rejections were Juilliard (made it through CB, but passed at end of the day), FSU, and Carnegie Mellon. Hopefully, we start hearing positive news about CA school callbacks - those are her real preferences, and many don’t release until mid-February…

wow i didn’t realize that.!!

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The CA schools— yeah ---- we attended info sessions with USC, UCLA, and CalArts ---- they all release callbacks in February… SUNY-Purchase also… such a drawn out process…

Was there an info session for UCLA? Wonder if we missed it!

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My daughter did it— it was one of those Q&A sessions… we also visited before COVID shut everything down, and they told us at TFT that their CB decisions come in February…

Has anyone done the BU callback? They say you may be asked to do a monologue or it may just be an informal conversation. My DD is just curious how relaxed it is.

Hi - thanks for sharing all this helpful info!! When did your daughter audition at FSU and when did you hear back?

My D auditioned last weekend and they didn’t say anything about timing for decisions. We wondered if they are rolling.

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She actually did the CB on 1/16, did her audition, and did not advance to the next callback.

So there is a callback after the audition for FSU? My daughter has her audition this weekend.

Yes-- it was the same day… my D auditioned in the morning, and then at 12:30 they released the CB list of those who had the second CB that afternoon…

Ahhhhh. Thanks so much for this info! My daughter should know this bc she will be at school and will need to have studio time organized in case of a callback!

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