Presidential Housing Question

Where is the best place to stay in Presidential 1? Any suggestions for floor or suite? This is my sons first choice for housing. Thank you.

I would pick a floor that has the community laundry on it.

If sensitivity to noise is a problem, I would choose the top floor. I know my DS hates to hear people above him, so they chose the top floor room at RCE. I have never been in Presidential, but I know at RCE the top floor has really high ceilings too, so it makes the room feel more spacious.

I would also prefer a suite that is not too far from an elevator…not so close to get any added noise, but not so far that it’s always a pain to have to walk.

Not sure how accurate this is to Pres 2, but here’s a quick map of Pres 1: http:// imgur. com /TE7710G (you’ll have to remove the link spaces to see it I guess, but I promise it’s just a map with the hallways numbered and the stairwells marked)

I lived there last year, and it wasn’t half bad. It’ll be noisy on weekends (it’s the unofficial party dorm from what I’ve gathered), but the noise level really depends on the neighbors and roommates more than anything. The walls are indeed thin enough to hear a loud TV or person through, but he shouldn’t be able to hear anyone more than 1 suite away.

The 2nd and 4th hallways will have a lot of foot traffic from people going to rooms in either those halls or the 3rd, but if he can get a room in that little space between the south stairwell and the elevator in either hallway, it’ll probably be the best - less loud people in the hallway, close to the elevator/stairs, etc. The only downside is the long walk to the trash rooms at the other end of the hallway.

There are 2 kitchens, one on the 1st floor and one on the 7th. The 7th floor has 1 oven with a stovetop, the 1st has two ovens. There’s a community hang-out room with a piano and TVs on the 7th floor next to the kitchen, and a study room too. The 3rd floor has the laundry room. Outside in the courtyard, there are grills that you can use. The main entrance to the building is closest to the 2nd hallway, but there’s another directly across from it if your room is on that side of the building.

The dumpsters are behind the 3rd hallway, and so around 7-8 AM once a week there’ll be a loud truck beeping outside as it picks up the garbage. You can hear it all the way up to the 7th floor (that’s where I lived). It’ll be noisy from anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour sometimes. There’s also an assisted living building for old folks behind the building and across the street. There are often ambulances picking up residents. And Jack Warner Pkwy. (the street between the dorms and the river) has the occasional police siren blaring down the road at 3am. If he’s a light sleeper, try to avoid this hallway.

The building is 7 stories tall, so if he doesn’t want to hear people on top of him, that’s the floor to live on.

Inside of the suite, try to get the A or D room. These ones are slightly larger than B and C, and further away from the kitchenette/living space in the suite (so they’re less noisy).

Hope this helps, and Roll Tide!