Presidential Scholarship Letter today!

<p>The letter made it to Chicago today (during the game no less) - my “Doubting Thomas” wife now has it in hand and believes! Congratulations to all!! </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Our kiddo got her letter today. She’s very happy.</p>

<p>*my “Doubting Thomas” wife now has it in hand and believes! *</p>

<p>oh ye of little faith! ;)</p>

<p>Roll Tide </p>

<p>(some things can seem too good to be true!!)</p>

<p>The arrival of the LIFE-ALTERING Presidential Scholarship letter, topped off with a SEC STOMPIN’ WIN was a real reason for tears of happiness at our home today.</p>

<p>It is really too-good-to-be-true; all the hard work has been validated, we are proud and grateful and can only say,</p>


<p>TxArchitect: It is so true that this is a life altering moment… Congrats!</p>

<p>Congrats to all!</p>

<p>DD2 got her letter yesterday as well. Her scholarship and honors college apps were acknowledged Aug 22 (sent them in a week or so earlier). It’s amazing how quickly UA is getting through this process. DD1 is a presidential scholar at a midwestern school and she didn’t find out until the spring of senior year. </p>

<p>With early notification, we have time to really evaluate and plan our finances with some certainty.</p>

<p>Thank you, UA and Roll Tide!</p>