<p>I heard that a couple of people were contacted saying that their counselors were asked… I haven’t had either. It’s either really good news or really bad news. We’ll see. Super anxious :)</p>
<p>my brain is going GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH right now.</p>
<p>My counselor got a request for my progress report grades.</p>
<p>She says it’s probably a good sign. At least I know that they’re thinking about me.</p>
<p>^thats what my counselor said too
But Im trying not to get my hopes up…</p>
<p>meh. still no request- that I’ve heard of. I didn’t talk to my counselor today or yesterday. </p>
<p>@thehangingtree- did you personally get an email?</p>
<p>Nah, I asked my counselor and she said she got the email. Good luck though! It might mean you already got in. (:</p>
<p>haha hopefully! It really will come down to how much weight they put into my “situation” that I described that would explain why my SAT scores are so low. We’ll just have to see I suppose! Good luck to you too :)</p>
<p>Yup, in 7 days max. (: And thanks!</p>
<p>I can’t wait lol. Dude, if I get it, I’m going to flip out and scream at every human or inanimate object I see.</p>
<p>Seriously… I get out 12:20 on Wednesday and I plan on sitting next to my mailbox until the mailman comes If I get in, I swear I’ll scream in his face and try to run as fast as my leg (which is in a cast) will let me hahahaha</p>
<p>If you can, get someone to record that. (:</p>
<p>I WILL! Omg then when I go down to visit Pomona on the 22nd, I’ll try and show it to the dean haha</p>
<p>If Pomona ever wants to make an advertisement, perhaps they’ll put you in a video with the caption, “This is what happens when we accept people.” It might be interesting.</p>
<p>I don’t even know why I’m stalking this (now off-topic, sorry) thread and board. It’s not even admissions time and I’m just refreshing lol.</p>
<p>hahahahaha no I am too. don’t worry And I seriously am giving my parents my phone/computer so I can’t check this until I receive a letter lol I’m actually so nervous that I nearly cry just thinking about the possibility of being accepted. I can assure you that I’m no crier. </p>
<p>And seriously- I’m so overly enthusiastic about good news that I would make a PERFECT ad if I’m accepted.</p>
<p>Lol I would do that but I rely on Facebook to give me information on things going on in life. I seriously wouldn’t have any idea that some of the events at my school existed if it weren’t for FB. :/</p>
<p>Try to record it! :D</p>
<p>I’m going to call my mom nonstop Monday, and Wednesday D: (Tuesday we’ll BOTH be there for my Scripps thing…so I can’t really call her to check :P) So hopefully I can cancel my Scripps interview if I get in Monday :o</p>
<p>haha tamtastic- I’m sure that would be ideal. Of course, talk about awkward having to call and cancel an interview with Scripps because you already got into Pomona. lol</p>
<p>thehangingtree- I rely on FB too… for everything, including classes. My teachers actually post whether we’ll be having pop quizzes the next day and what’s on them, hw, suggestions for studying for test… but I’d rather just text my friends to ask. I can’t risk seeing if some got acceptances early and having to assume that rejections were sent later/through slower mail/idk. It’d crush me lol</p>
<p>sarsoccerstar: i was joking around with a friend of mine about how funny it would be if i called 'em and was like “I’M GOING TO POMONA SUCKAAAS” ahahahha which i totally would not do 'cause i LOVE scripps too.</p>
<p>hahahaha that’d be soooo funny! I would totally do that (out of pure excitement, not because of hatred of the other school). Then I would apologize profusely.</p>
<p>i would probably call them with the intention of telling them the truth, but chicken out and make something up.</p>
<p>Never mind then lol. I’m waiting for someone (anyone) to update their profile confirming their early decisions and no one has yet done so…this is actually quite exciting because I’ve known most of these people for years and college selection is a pretty big deal at my school.</p>
<p>Pomona yay! Alright it’s officially Friday so here we go less than a week!</p>