Pros/Cons of Residence Halls

I was recently accepted in the University of Alabama and now I have to complete my housing application. I want to live in a 4 person suite. Which halls are the best? What are the pros and cons of each Hall? If possible list your experience you have had living in a particular hall. Thank you!

Also, I am looking for a more social hall. Not a complete party hall, but a hall where people enjoy to go out and be social.

Current student here! In general, the suite dorms aren’t super social. However, they’re waaaaay nicer and I’d definitely recommend them over traditional dorms any day.
The Ridgecrest dorms are popular and well-liked, as far I can tell, but they’re honors only. They’re also sort of out of the way of everything, but they have their own bus stop. The Highlands are pretty much apartments, but from what I’ve heard (from talking to a few girls who live there) they’re not in very good condition. Presidential Village houses a LOT of students–all freshmen, too!–so it’s probably pretty social. At least, I always see a ton of people around it and everyone always seems to be in fairly big groups, so I figure it’s pretty social.
I live in one of the Riverside dorms and the floor I’m on isn’t social and it’s pretty quiet. The floor above me is super social, though. I don’t think a “social hall” is something you can really guarantee, it’s kind of a hit or miss. People “go out” in every dorm, UA is a pretty social college in general. Especially if you join a sorority/fraternity. That being said, the Riverside dorm I’m in (East) is really nice and it’s in a convenient area: close to Lakeside Dining, right next to Presidential Village. Pres has a bus stop out front that’s used by everyone who lives in Pres, Riverside (East. at least; I doubt anyone from West uses it and I don’t know anyone from North), and Highlands. Trust me, you’re going to want a bus stop close to where you live.
I think Pres Village would be best for you. There’s Pres Village I and II. There isn’t a difference between them and they’re right next to each other.

Thank you for your reply!

son was in RCW last year and enjoyed it. only 4 floors and they were on the 4th floor. not as loud as RCS and still close to everything.

My daughter lived in Ridgecrest West for 2 years. She preferred the floorplan of the “older” suite style dorms (Riverside, Ridgecrest E/W, Lakeside) to the Ridgecrest South/Presidential floor plans. I really don’t think you can go wrong with any of them. Also, there’s no predicting which dorm will be more or less social from year to year, as most students living in the dorms are freshmen so there’s a near complete turnover every year. The traditional dorms tend to be more social than the suite style, though.

My dd is in Pres 1 this year. She likes the building but her floor is not particularly social, she does not even know the girls in the suite next to her! However, she loves having her own room as opposed to sharing a room in the traditional style rooms. An added bonus is that many of the kids in the older, traditional dorms have been sick multiple times since August where her and her suitemates have been healthy.