Prospective Black Ivy Leaguers for class of 2018?

<p>@Jazzpno Awww You’re too sweet! I hope I can make everyone proud :)</p>

<p>Since I haven’t had the opportunity to visit, what attracted your son to Cornell?</p>

<p>^ He wanted a school in a rural/suburban setting with a lot of green space. He preferred the east coast to the west, and he liked the engineering school. He attended a fly-in session in the fall and he was hooked!. I really, REALLY wanted him to apply to MIT, but he didn’t love it…was only applying to appease me. He decided to apply ED at the last minute, and the rest is history. I think that this will be an excellent fit for him.</p>

<p>That’s wonderful! I hope I’ll have an opportunity to visit. But, I don’t know what possessed me to apply to so many East Coast schools… I’ll literally turn into a human fudgsicle.</p>

<p>Conversation starter: Has anyone participated in any alumni (or is it alumnae?- Idk) interviews and how did they go?</p>

<p>Yes, my D had interviews for Yale (denied EA,) Brown and Penn. She feels they went very well, although she found the Brown alum a little peculiar (graduated '67!) She has also had interviews for Northwestern and Tufts. We are very lucky to be located in the Northeast :wink: </p>

<p>LOL I’m jealous! I have my Penn interview next week- super excited! </p>

<p>After Yale, what college does your daughter prefer? I’m starting to wish I applied to Brown…</p>

<p>Her top choice is a tie between Tufts and Brown. What is yours?</p>

<p>Wellesley is my first choice, with Penn as a close second. Most definitely would be excited to be accepted into any of the colleges I applied to though. </p>

<p>Where’s Tufts? Massachusetts?</p>

<p>Yes, Tufts is just outside of Boston (you can see the city from their library!)</p>

<p>Glad I found this thread. My D is applying to UPenn RD. Best wishes to all!</p>

<p>Hi Anxious! We need more excitement on this thread - glad you found it!</p>

<p>Thanks! I am so excited for my D, but very ready for Decision Day to come. UPenn (Nursing major) is the only ivy league school she applied to and it is a very selective program. I hope the other students are handling the wait better than me :wink: I hope to see more AA students posting here. </p>

<p>Me too! My D was declined to Yale, EA, and has also applied to Brown. She went to 2 “multicultural/diversity” fly-ins, one at Tufts and one at Oberlin. Hope it helps…</p>

<p>I did several flyins but ended up only applying to 2 of the schools and yeah, I hope the flyins help! I am waiting to see about getting in and getting money. Deferred from Georgetown but took the SAT subject test again so hopefully that will help with that one. I also have to see if we get enough aid. I really don’t want loans! Right now I am glad to have affordable EA schools I like because this wait is a killer! My Ivy (don’t even want to name it :frowning: ) is a long, long shot but figured I would try!
Good luck to everyone! </p>

<p>I found out about the fly-ins too late :frowning: But, I attended an amazing program at Wellesley that apparently was a fly-in (which I found out after I arrived and paid my own airfare, awk).</p>

<p>I think fly-ins are really helpful as far as getting the feel of a campus goes. I wish I did more…</p>

<p>@hsgrad Good luck back at ya! The clock is counting down </p>

<p>applied to cornell and brown, not worrying about either. my heart is set on kenyon. </p>

<p>@collegebound752 Just Googled Kenyon bc I was curious… Seems unique (a good unique :slight_smile: ) </p>

<p>How did Kenyon get on your radar?</p>

<p>Kenyon sounds like a very interesting school. I would also like to hear how you found it. I read an article while visiting the website about the “waiting”. It is actually very helpful.</p>

<p>@picktails I am sure fly-ins help to some degree. It would be wonderful to see stats about how many students participating in fly-ins went on to be accepted at these same schools. Your D has impressive stats (I saw them on another thread), she is a feather in any ivy league cap. </p>

<p>Anyone here receive a likely letter? Keep hanging in there, you are still great candidates for these schools.</p>

<p>@lydiamanglin and @anxious4results, a friend of mine recommended I apply for a fly-in program at Kenyon. It was all by chance. She was going and wanted me to go with her so I applied with a what-the-he** attitude. Visited, fell in love, the rest is history hahaha. It’s my absolute top. If I happen to get into Brown or Cornell I will of course reconsider but I love Kenyon.</p>

<p>Thank you Anxious! But we all know it is a crap shoot - they will fill the class with the most diverse, qualified applicants out there. Collegebound, my D is also fine with all of her choices and does not have her heart set on one school - much easier!</p>