Prospects for UCSD?

I’m currently a senior in the college application process. i’m a California resident, and my stats are
ACT: 32
WGPA: 4.38
I’m doing the full IB Diploma Program, have a job, 100+ hours of community service, a leadership position in a research project, and officers on two clubs. My top choice is UCSD, and my first choice of major is electrical engineering, and my alternative is Cognitive Science- I would be fine with either major. Is one major better than the other/I have a higher chance of getting into? Would I have a better chance at other UCs? (Davis, Santa Barbara, Irvine, etc)
Any advice would be appreciated.

Is your WGPA your UC capped weighted UC GPA?

When it comes to the UC’s and especially for highly competitive majors such as EE, it can be difficult to predict your chances. You should apply widely and have some solid safety schools on your list.

Your ACT is within range, you have good EC’s with leadership so make sure you spend time on your personal insight essays and make then shine.

Best of luck.

Depending on your cap weighted UC GPA:
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

you look like a strong candidate for all the UCs - just note, they are finicky and their decisions can be subjective. Apply broadly.
Good luck

@dawnofdusk UCSD Cog Sci is difficult to get into. They will re-direct Comp Sci and Bio Sci majors who didn’t get into those colleges to Cog Sci.

As far as the other schools, UCI and UCD are easier for Cog Sci although the major is quickly becoming impacted there as well. UCSB does not offer an undergraduate Cog Sci major. The closest they have is BioPsych.

Be careful with Cog Sci as each school has their own restrictions. At most (if not all) of the UCs, Cog Sci is in the same department as Psychology. At UCI, they will not let you use Cog Sci as a pre health major. At UCSD and UCD, they will. I know you aren’t interested in pre-health but it is an example to illustrate that the same major doesn’t allow the same opportunities at all of the UCs.

@lkg4answers could you clarify on “They will re-direct Comp Sci and Bio Sci majors who didn’t get into those colleges to Cog Sci”? From what admissions told me, if an applicant does not get into their first or alternative major, they are admitted as undeclared, since first applicants are admitted into the college, and then a major.

@Gumbymom using the calculator, my supposed GPA comes out to 3.95 weighted. However, I had straight A’s my junior year with a full IB courseload, while my sophomore year grades were not as great, due to some personal issues. Would addressing that in my essays as to why that is and how I improved significantly in my junior year with harder classes be something admissions would consider, although my gpa is not great but my ACT score isn’t terrible either?

You can address your personal issue in one of your personal insight essays which can help. I would say your chances are 50/50 for UCSD but definitely worth an application.
Best of luck.

@dawnofdusk, sometimes quirky things happen. If you read through the acceptances over the past two years, they moved people from different colleges/majors.