Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

@piku1998 hey. Which country are you from? And how do you think they would have filled up places for CS? Didn’t they just receive another pool of applications in december? So the next decision is on Friday? And is it final? Sorry for too many questions. I’m equally frightened.

Who told you?

@piku1998 FYE was never an option for alternative major

I submitted my application on 9/18, but redid the SAT in early November so all materials were received on 11/22. I applied for FYE. Should I just keep waiting or call the admissions dept.?

@dataengineer Are you sure ?

@CStoInfinity I am an international applicant from India.
Idk. I will tell you what exactly the AO said. She said that a decision has been made about my application, and it will be posted on Friday.
Whatever I have written in the past is completely based on hearsay. The AO never mentioned anything about the admits or any department.

Damn ! Should have chose FYE.
@dataengineer Do you think they would offer me any other alternate major? Is there no other way to get into FYE?

@piku1998 I’m from India as well. Which board?
Also, I kind of remember giving Computer Engineering as my second choice although it doesn’t show up on my CommonApp pdf.

Same ! I chose Mechanical Engineering as second major on Common App.
It is best to email them directly.
By going through last year’s thread I was sure( rather cocksure) that I would get into CS. But now …

Hey guys,
I applied on 10/12
My application checklist was complete on 27/10

I got 1380 on SAT: 750 Maths and 630 English
My school doesn’t have GPA cause I’m an IB student, but my predicted is 43/45

I applied for CS and FYE on common app. However, I have not received any decision yet and oh yeah, I’m an international student from Singapore.

I must say, I am getting a little concerned at this point.

@piku1998 CBSE too. From TN.
I vaguely remember seeing a post where you said you had 4/4 GPA. Is that 10th grade’s and you converted it to 4? Also, what about your 11th grade scores? And did you apply to honors college?
Exactly! Last year’s thread was way too different…

9th CGPA= 9.6 ( A2 in German and Social Science)
10th CGPA= 10.00
11th %=( Roughly a 90/100 in PCM each and 83 In P.E.) Aggregate = 88%
12th %=( 95 E 95 M 95 C 93 P 99 PE) Aggregate= 95.4%
These are my actual scores and not estimated ones.
I am a gap year student.
Luckily, all through 9th to 12th my scores in Math, Science, and English have never dipped.

What I know is 93 and above is a 4 GPA. So, that is how I calculated my GPA. Correct me if I am wrong.
I hadn’t applied to honors college.

Well it makes sense now. I’m not even sure they convert our (Indian) marks to GPA, I think they deal with percentages as such. What I’m afraid of is my marks dipped through 11th grade (like, 100 to 90 to 86 to 72 in math) and so did my rank (from 3 to 10 to 9 and 9 again). There’s no way I could tell Purdue that I have highly standardised QP and that my JEE coaching ruined they way I write detailed answers.
10th grade GPA is 10 as well.
Considering you’ve PE as your 5th subject, do you know programming?
Also, did you take gap year for JEE training?
Thanks a lot for patiently answering my questions.
I just badly want to get in.

Applied 10/23
completed 11/17
Still waiting for a decision…

Just out of curiosity what does your status change to if you are rejected?

Hey, Im in a similar position like you all,
Applied on 10/23
Checklist completed 11/17
sat 1420
IB PG 41/45

tad worried because of the rumours about FYE being filled up

I am getting really concerned about Purdue. I submitted all my materials by 3rd November and have still not heard back regarding my decision. The counsellor said it will take 4-8 weeks for a decision to be made and its been more than 8 weeks and I still haven’t received a decision. I am getting scared that FYE slots have already gotten filled up :confused:

Lets hope they release our decisions this week!!

@CStoInfinity I have done a course in C, C++, and Datastructures( in C) from a reputed institute.
I am preparing for both JEE & SAT simultaneously.
Idk why am I on this thread when I know my admission decision.

PS: You should have PM me.

@piku1998 yes, unfortunately your are calculating your gpa wrong. A 93 is not a 4.0. That is dependent on the individual school district. Here a 93 equates to a 3.667. So, for example, your 12th grade gpa is a 3.93. Great! Impressive, but not a straight 4.0.

We don’t calculate gpa on aggregate scores. It’s by individual class. I can’t calculate your true gpa because you didn’t list all your scores, but i can rough estimate your gpa at 3.79 converted to the same system our school district uses.

Your 11th grade scores brought it down quite a bit. Unfortunately, 11th grade is a critical year. Colleges will quite often overlook questionable grades in 9th grade, seeing as it’s a transition year. 11th is a make or break year.

@SushiNinj as @CStoInfinity has mentioned, our curriculum is WAY different from yours.
Even guesstimating would be a stupid idea.
Let it just be the way it is.
In fact, I would seriously suggest you to go through our syllabi, so that you get some idea.
As far as my academic credentials in the Indian competitive pool are concerned, I believe, I have done well.
BTW this is the source I referred to http://www.collegeboard.com/html/academicTracker-howtoconvert.html

Guys what the hack is FYE??

First Year Engineering.