Purdue Class of 2021 EA Acceptance?

Wait, I applied for mechanical engineering and havent heard the decision back but I called the admissions office and they said it would come out late Jan.

I saw peopl talking about FYE is already filled. Does that mean No one would get accepted from now on??

I’m prettt sure I wouldn’t get rejected with my stats (sat 2230 subject: mat800 chem760 physics760) etc.

I called them before the Christmas break and asked about possibility of me getting in and then she said my gpa and test scores are competitive enough to get in. Im sure at that point(mid Dec), the spots were not filled. You guys are making me really confused… What exactly is FYE(i know it stands for first year engineerinf)? Is it a major? Or does it include all the engineering majors such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering etc?

Whenever someone goes into Purdue for engineering, regardless of what type, they go into a broad major known as first year engineering. After the first year (maybe second, someone correct me if im wrong) they declare their specific engineering discipline. FYE isn’t filled yet as in all of the spots are taken up, FYE is filled in the way that they are no longer able to accept applications. Although you still have a chance of getting admitted into Purdue as of now, admissions today is much more difficult than admissions in December. Also, GPA and test scores being ‘competitive’ is a very relative term to a school with rolling admissions. In example, if you applied in October, you would have had a much better chance at admission, and therefore would have been more competitive. As of now, FYE has a small number of spots left, and with the probable thousands or remaining applications there isn’t enough room to offer admission to every qualified/competitive applicant.

Absolutely agree with @afluffymuffin

@HardOREasy I was replying to a comment you posted saying that something I wrote was inaccurate. Sorry for the confusion. I only just now saw your reply and wanted to respond.

So I guess we wait till Friday 5 pm EST. I have lost some hope to be honest. I mean my application was complete on the 27nd October but I haven’t heard from them yet! They have probably kept my application on hold I guess.

@afluffymuffin but I finished my application before December…

@afluffymuffin And how do you guys know that there are not much spots left??? Did you call them?

Guys here is another explanation. People say that the most of the spots for FYE are filled up. This is obviously true. The application portal opened up even from Auguest and many people have submitted their applications so far. As I read through the “acceptance” comments here, for those who submitted their application around 10/28-11/10 received their decision before or on 12/22. Comparing the application reviewing process to percentage, I would say now at this point 70-80% of the spots have been filled up because now is January and the portal began on August. However, this does not necessarily mean that because there are not many left spots, it is not way harder to get accepted. It is just too obvious. For those who submitted their applications around mid-November ~ early December, you guys will probably hear back by late Janunary(I called them and she said its gonna be by late Jan).

Also, @afluffymuffin mentioned that " if you applied in October, you would have had a higher chance". However, I don’t agree with this. As I said above, many of those who applied in October and early Jan received their results on or by 12/22. I, personally, submitted my application 11/22. A number of coming batches will be the decisions of the application that were submitted mid November-late November (or even eaely December).

Guys, it is stupid to be disappointed(although I did just a few hours ago) b/c people say there are not many spots left(However, if you submitted before or way before November like August, Sept, or early October, then you probably got on waitlist) for FYE. It is chronological order. The deadline for rolling admission is 1/1. College isn’t stupid. They do not want to miss excellent students that might have applied late. I belive they assign certain amount of spots for each wave and now is almost the end of admission so it is obvious that many spots have been filled up.

For those who applied Mid, late November or December, you guys will hear back probably by late -Jan at least

There will be many students who choose another university so the acceptance rate will be much higher than the enrollment rate.

@changjin9792 You may agree or not, but the fact is that with rolling admissions, those who apply earlier do in fact have a better chance of being admitted. Purdue itself tells applicants this.

I would like to point out that Purdue is a public university, so it will give its first preference to in-state applicants then Americans and only then to international applicants. Which means that if you are an in-state applicant or American but have still not recieved an offer yet then you are probably waitlisted, otherwise, since you are an international applicant it may still take some more time and doesn’t necessarily mean you got waitlisted.

70-80% is an extremely random figure don’t you think? To imply that those who haven’t heard back will soon be waitlisted is also a completely baseless implication. I heard back relatively early and still got waitlisted. A much more likely scenario is that those who applied in October/November and haven’t heard back yet is that their applications were meant to be under final review directly after winter break. However, last Friday saw only one or two potential admissions review days, that would imply that a majority of those who applied early would hear back either this Friday or next Friday. “Colleges aren’t stupid…” and you’re right about that, but they do absolutely miss fantastic students due to their rolling admissions policy. There are plenty of people who have not gotten into this school simply because they applied late. Much like the concept that’s been stated earlier, state universities have priorities in educating their state residents, country’s citizens, and everyone else in that order. Good luck.

@SushiNinj, colleges don’t convert Indian percentages into a GPA.They’re taken on the true value.

Okay let me make it clear. I just called the office to make sure what is happening here. She told me that most of the domestic/In-state applications that were submitted August ~ early November have been already went over(although I know she didn’t mean ALL applications). So, for Domestic/In-State students who applied August ~ early November but haven’t heard the decision back are likely to have been on wait list (this is what she told me). For international(non-resident, non-domestic applicants) students who applied little bit late(referring to mid November - early December) are still under review. They just yet to looked at those.

I’m calling b.s. on that. The lady wouldn’t say “yeah, a large majority of domestic applicants who applied early and haven’t heard back yet are waitlisted.” AFAIK they aren’t even supposed to disclose information like that. To anyone reading this who applied early but hasn’t heard back yet, please don’t panic. Not to mention, being waitlisted at Purdue would not cause a delayed decision. This is due to the fact that most waitlisted students are offered either a spot on the waitlist OR likely consideration for an alternate major. They wouldn’t take any longer for waitlisted applicants unless they were brought under a group review for whatever reason (I don’t even know if Purdue has group reviews). Do not assume your waitlisted because you applied early and haven’t heard back yet, you’ll all be fine.

okay bro I think at this point it’s meaningless to discuss over what we don’t know for sure. You’re right. Let’s just wait little bit more and we’ll hear good news.

p.s) I’m not trying to discourage people. I really hope all of us will hear “Boiler Up”.

Let’s just be patient as Birdy said in Skinny Love

Hi! Just thought I would let you all know that I applied on 10/31, accepted FYE on 12/23 and just received my official letter via snail mail today.
For those of you still waiting…sometimes it just takes time!

#:-S :smiley:

I’m out of state but I got admitted to FYE earlier than most in-states (12/8).