purdue for international students

In light of the recent events ( The election ) would you recommend an international student go to purdue ?
do you think its safe ?
I got accepted there.
my other options are Temple and loyola chicago,
im a bio major

It should be safe enough. Which country?

I’m asian and I’ve read some concerning things about indiana in general especially since trump got elected so…

^Students with certain religion or from certain countries might not be very welcomed. You might hear some unkind words …

Much of the noise was fear mongering to try and influence voting Americans. The mainstream media took an active role in disseminating the DNC propaganda against Trump and generated a significant amount of fear among average Americans. Before Trump became the Republican candidate for President, no accused him of sexual assault, hating women or being a racist.

Unfortunately, the DNC and media generated fear is currently being capitalized on by anarchist types in the aftermath. It will calm down.

Many former Obama voters turned to Trump in this election because his 8 years have largely been a failure. Clinton did not offer any real way to improve the economy so many Democratic voters turned against her and chose Trump as the lesser of two evils.

You will find that most Americans are good and tolerant citizens who accept others. Generally, the loud, look-at-me types should be avoided for peace and harmony.

Remember this - if America was such a bad place why would people be sneaking across the border and coming from every corner of the world when given the opportunity.

@Tw1ssT, while I agree that most Americans are good and tolerant, you seem to be substituting your personal politics for reality. The fact is that there are many differences between the diverse geographic areas of this country, and I have spoken to several students over the past few years who have found Purdue to be rather provincial and conservative.

Students there tend to be more traditional/conservative than students at other large universities on the west and east coasts. This may in fact make it less than an ideal fit for some international and more liberal American students. From your comments, it appears you are one of those conservative individuals. That is fine, but you shouldn’t misrepresent the cultural and political environment of the school. :slight_smile:

We live in Indiana, although several hours from Purdue. I’ve heard of taunting in the local middle & high schools on Wednesday, but apparently that settled down quickly. Have not heard of such things at Purdue, IU, Notre Dame or other colleges in the state. But I have heard of problems at colleges in California and New York State neither of which gets the routine scrutiny for this sort of thing Indiana does. … nor as readily dismissed as provincial. So I don’t know what to make of that.

I’d bet that Purdue campus and places near campus are no different than ever. A thing you might try is contacting one of the student groups that supports people from your geographic region and ask them directly.

One of my fb “friends” is a Purdue senior international student (was our intern a while ago) and has posted no concerns other than a general disappointment with the election.

wow, the responses here are really helpful, on many other forums, All I got was racist slurs.
Thanks a lot for the answers here.
I think I might head to temple or loyola instead then.

@hopeyhippie has a valid take about Purdue.

FYI, I am neither conservative or liberal. I was just pointing out how I observed this election. If you only followed the mainstream media in the US then you received a decidedly skewed view of the candidates. It was astonishing to see how the major news outlets, Google, Facebook and Twitter tried to shape public perception. We may not have a state controlled media in the US but it is most definitely is politically affiliated.

Poor Bernie was cheated and he just sat there and took it for the team.

Anyway, be skeptical of everything you hear/read and half of what you see. CNN has been shown to edit videos to influence the viewers perception.

@medkid18 enjoy college!

@Tw1ssT 's posts are very helpful and insightful.

And it’s really unnecessary for students to worry about attending schools like Purdue.