Purdue Merit Scholarships Class of 2021

@3fortuition same here. Almost identical stats. Admitted to 8 schools and every school awarded top scholarships including IU Bloomington.

Well that’s very very interesting…I heard IU Bloomington gives nothing for scholarships…what did you get?

Purdue engineering is much more competitive to get into than IU. So you’re not going to see as many awards at Purdue. They don’t need to lure top students with merit awards. IU gives a lot of scholarships, but you have to apply by a certain date to be considered.

Yeah I know there isn’t an engineering program there it just started that’s why I thought it was weird. Actually IU doesn’t give alot of money. That was my point.

I got $8k from IU

My D received a total of $17K from IU in 4 separate awards. No Merit from Purdue and no admittance to the honors program. They are the only school out of 8 to not offer a merit scholarship. Dissapointing since we are Purdue grads ourselves. I think the engineering program is stuck on their own prestige and/or they just don’t have the scholarship funds IU has. Mitch Daniels could do better! She recieved a you are a Boilermaker poster, and engineering fold out flag and a postcard from Purdue. That’s it! We have had reams of mailings from IU. Purdue didn’t even mail a admissions letter. We had to download it off the website. I can only surmise they are seriously struggling financially.

We got the same thing but no information yet.

If you look at the stats of prospective engineering students at Purdue a 33 on the ACT is pretty average (would stand out more at schools like IU where there is no engineering program or in one of the other colleges at Purdue). There is no doubt…engineering students face the most competition when it comes to merit money or a spot in the honors college (probably followed by the CS kids). I don’t think it has anything to do with Purdue’s financial situation. Since Mitch Daniels became president, Purdue has not raised tuition. As the parent of one current Purdue student and one incoming, I’ll take the break on tuition and give up the trinkets sent out by other schools. I’m glad President Daniels has the same priorities.

I’m with you, @junebug67 ! I agree completely.

@prep4col - I totally get it. My son did not receive any money either from Purdue. 3.9 UW GPA and a National Merit Finalist, and 11 varsity letters and a lot of community service. A kid from his school received the presidential merit scholarship ($40,000) over 4 years. This boy was never on the dean’s list and my son was quite surprised he even got into Purdue. I called Purdue and they said that merit awards are holistic. Not quite sure how they determined that one. Clearly Purdue is not the school for my son.

@allybob It also depends on the departments your son and the other kid were accepted into. Scholarships are distributed by department, so maybe the other kid was accepted into a less competitive department than your son.

Purdue like other institutions commits to accepting international students. There is a disportionate scholarship distribution compared to the same number of in state students. Tax money at work folks!

National Merit Finalist, 35 ACT, 8 AP courses, 4.0 GPA, no merit scholarship or honors program. Called admissions and said my son should just be happy that he was admitted to the FYE program. Ouch! Not a very inviting message.

@Wx68man Are stats all your son has to show? Scholarships and honors college mean much more beyond stats. I got a 33 ACT, but I was also actively involved in programming related extra curricular activities and I am a school record holder in swimming. I was accepted both into the Honors College and received a merit scholarship. They are looking for well roundedness, not just the highest academic standings. If it were 8-10 years ago, stats would be everything, but colleges are focusing more on the holistic review now.

Congratulations @ccswim on your scholarship and honors college acceptance. I do think Purdue engineering puts high value on discipline related EC’s -.something My daughter was lacking. She had very High stats, lots of leadership and ran XC and track but did not get offered a scholarship or honors college. But 7 other colleges saw something in her that Purdue didn’t and offered her no less than full tuition awards. We do think it was odd that only Purdue bypassed her on scholarships.

@prep4col I received mine through the College of Science Computer Science, but I know their awards are about as competitive as engineering. It makes sense that they stress career-related EC, but I personally feel that having interests outside of the field would be more attractive considering those are skills you will not learn in college. Purdue has certainly been strange about their entire process.

Congrats on your daughter’s scholarships from other colleges. I have not been quite as fortunate on that end and my parents have been stressing out about paying for college. Even though the Purdue scholarship was very small, it’s still one of the more attractive offers.

@prep4col where else did your D get full tuition awards? Just curious as we are searching out financial safety schools right now. I am very surprised at the lack of merit scholarships at Purdue. We were thinking Butler or IU instead.

She got full tuition at Loyola Chicago-engineering, DePaul, Baylor, Butler (50% tuition), UWisconsin (freshman Engineering scholarship) and a full COA at IU Bloomington. University of North Carolina gave a Out of State Student Association grant and lap top grant which equaled about 1/2 tuition.

IU does give merit. I’ve knows several people who received 4K-8K . Sadly, Purdue does not give a lot out. Their reasoning is that they have maintained the same tuition amount for several years 5???

Do you mind me asking what school your son decided on? My son is in a very familiar situation this year