Purdue NURSING/Honors/Scholarships

Hi guys- my husband and I are both Purdue grads, living now in Ohio. Our high school daughter will be applying to Purdue Nursing. We understand that she’ll need to apply before Nov 1, etc. Wondering if you all having any insights into admission/honors/scholarships prospects in nursing with these stats: Full OOS tuition makes us twitchy since she’s our oldest of seven!
GPA: 3.9 UW, 4.3 W
plenty of extracurriculars/volunteers stuff/awards. (And a nice girl:) haha- I’m her mom!)

Thanks so much! My goodness- college is much more expensive and complicated than when we were kids! My parents paid a total of $40,000 for my four years at Purdue! haha!

Oops- ACT 32! She’s smart but not supernatural…

My OOS D applied this year FYE. She has lower ACT and higher GPA and we’re still waiting to hear. We’d need the Trustees scholarship ($12k-$16k/yr for OOS) to afford even though we couldn’t qualify for any FA. My notes have OOS now at $41k/year. With your D’s stats and legacy hook I believe she’d get in and receive the Trustees. She should apply early so you don’t have to wait it out like we are. And take AP/DE even in her senior year. She should apply broadly including in-state and OOS private and may even find schools willing to pay her full tuition. Good luck!

@Banker1 --there were lots and lots of 34 and up ACTs last year who got zero merit from Purdue.

A 32 ACT is strong but it will be interesting to see how it plays out for this years group.

Here is the thread for anyone interested–stats are all over the place.


@sevenbabies I feel you college tuition are going high sky and there is so much competition now days. My daughter’s been beating herself to do everything and she got accepted into Engineering College at Purdue but still waiting to hear if she will get scholarship. Hope she gets something for all the hard work she had done all these years.