Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

So I applied to the Krannert School of Management a few weeks ago. If my stats are good, what are the chances of me getting in? Just curious cause I applied a little later than normal.

They said in the next few weeks they’ll be sending them

Son from Texas is still waiting for Engineering.

After my daughter was accepted into her second choice major and not Krannert, we thought that we would not have another Boilermaker. However, she decided that she really likes the Retail Management program and requested a major switch from Exploratory Studies. She found out that she was granted the change. So, she is saying that Purdue is now her first choice! Boiler up!


DS did not get into his first choice (CS) but got into Exploratory studies. Since this admit, he’s also gotten into CS at NU, Michigan and UVA. However, Purdue is still under consideration if he gets CS. Does it make sense to ask admissions if they would switch him over or is that door closed? Looking for perspectives from folks with kids at Purdue and may have gone through a similar decision. We are OOS.

Son accepted to engineering
Early action
35 act
3.8 gpa - top suburban hs nj
8 aps
No merit


My understanding is that Purdue will not consider making the switch. Your S has great options on the table. I’d take a direct admit at one of the other amazing options.

So funny. In just sitting with my husband at lunch and talking about my son’s acceptances so far, including UVA, and Purdue, but a deferral at UM all in CS, I said that UM would be the better option for CS in Engineering than CS at Purdue.

I’d recommend accepting a spot in CS at Michigan over ES at Purdue hoping to CODO into CS. The programs are comparable, at least, and there is much more certainty.

(To be honest, with a second daughter looking at CS, I probably recommend she take CS at UM over Purdue, if admitted at both. Even after growing up in Columbus with Dad teaching at tOSU and an older daughter at Purdue engineering. Subject to personnel fit, of course)

" (To be honest, with a second daughter looking at CS, I probably recommend she take CS at UM over Purdue, if admitted at both. Even after growing up in Columbus with Dad teaching at tOSU and an older daughter at Purdue engineering. Subject to personnel fit, of course)"

This is what I told @QQsubs as well. I think UM provides more versatility among other things as well as a better ranked CS program. Purdue OTOH is smaller and has great job placement and internship fair.

Here is a list of CS rankings sent by our college counselor. CSRankings: Computer Science Rankings

Accepted for Finance (Krannert) 2/7
RD (applied 12/11)
1430 SAT
3.90 UW GPA
8 AP’s


Congrats! May I ask when you received the acceptance notification?

@momofboiler1, @srparent15 and @RichInPitt - Thanks for your inputs! Without the confirmed CS, it’s going to be between UM and UVA (unless something better shows up over the next several weeks). DS also has admits to CS at NU and UMD but we are ranking them below UM/UVA at the moment (UM for its relative higher ranking and UVA for being in-state).

@RichInPitt - Are you leaning towards Purdue over UVA?

Thank you! I received an email at 5pm PST saying that my decision has been posted on my portal.

Today? On a Sunday! WOW. Thank you! Congrats again.

Yes, Purdue over UVa. Higher ranked at the rankings I’ve looked at (USNews, CSRanking, Shanghai, QS), cheaper, and none of us liked UVa when my older D visited four years ago (other than the beautiful campus). And older sister has had a great education at Purdue.

UVa’s not on her long list of 22 schools. But we’re out of state, so the cost factor isn’t applicable - that’s always a big factor. Penn State’s on our safety list for the same reason.

Right now my son is researching CS at Purdue vs UVA. We’re out of state for both but Purdue is only about a 2-1/2 hour “boring” drive for us. Short plane flight if necessary to do that. Being OOS and literally being so hard to get into UVA we were so excited. Plus our visit last year was cancelled so we’ll see if we get that in but my son really buckled down and researched the CS and sees that their program is just not as strong as say VA Tech although as an all around school UVA is great. I like that part of it. Gives a lot of options and probably a lot more diversity but I think from a purely CS perspective which is where he is right now and wanting to go to the school with the best CS program even if it’s with 20 kids from our school, Purdue is it. I am impressed also with the internship stuff as well. While he was deferred from Michigan it wasn’t high on his list to begin with but if he gets in then to me that’s a game changer. But we’ll see.

Also, while cost isn’t an issue as he was born at just the right time for when we put money into his 529s (lucky guy), I am not sure I can justify paying the UVA price tag (which is about the same price I pay for my daughter’s Ivy for a top CS program)for an avg CS program vs Purdue which is a top 20 CS program and almost half the price even for OOS. Is there anything I’m missing there or you can tell me that we should definitely consider about UVA?

Boiler Up!!

We looked at UVA when my D was in HS for engineering. It didn’t make her list to even apply. Not enough career readiness focus for her. She wanted hands on, jump right in to engineering, strong internship/co-op potential.

D is a junior now and has a three term co-op (currently on her second rotation), had an internship after freshman year at purdue, and has another internship with another company this coming summer.

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Any thoughts / comparison on Purdue CS vs UW-Madison CS ?

Yes I was so surprised! It might have been in the portal earlier but the email came on Sunday saying that my portal was updated

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