Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

Purdue and Case are VERY different. Rural vs City. Large vs small. T10 vs T50 for engineering.

What kind of environment does your son prefer?

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Yes, hopefully he has a chance to visit/tour the campuses and see which fits his preferences.

My D was accepted to both, went to Purdue, and Case was 6th or 7th of 7 schools to which she was accepted. I know it’s a “good” school, but it just didn’t do anything for any of us. The valedictorian of her class loved it and is in the combined pre-med program.

I suspect you would get different answers on the Case forum :grinning:

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I hope someone can answer this , we are in NJ son is totally leaning towards going to Purdue CS after weighing out all the admissions he got.

Is it worth driving to visit the Purdue campus from NJ instead of flying do they allow to go inside the buildings etc ? I can barley find spots to book for weekends guided tours we want to decide sooner and commit
Did anyone visit campus recently after admissions and how are rules and regulations for visiting inside the buildings ?


Purdue is encouraging future students to do virtual visits. My understanding is that campus buildings are closed to visitors. The guided tours are outdoors only.

Ok thanks
I heard public universities not supposed to close the buildings to visit someone told me

I called SUNY Binghamton they said feel free go inside is it not case with all public universities ?

Purdue has been very strict about covid precautions. Lots of variability state to state.

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My daughter applied Nov 13 (because I volunteered to make her a list of early action due dates for her colleges, and I incorrectly told her Nov 15 for Purdue…). Anyway, she was not eligible for Early Action, but she was admitted today. So it does appear to be rolling.


I was impressed to see the article of purdue taking swift action of suspending a fraternity immediately for breaking covid protocols by hosting a new member event! Fraternity suspended for 'basketball watch party' that allegedly violated COVID-19 protocol

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So got an email about financial aid packages do you need to have received a password in a letter by mail? In order to open the MyPurdue account ?

The PUID and password are located at the bottom of the acceptance letter.

The one on the email notification from Jan 15?

All I know is my son had set it up awhile ago after he was first admitted. It was his his first initial and last name for user and some digits (maybe 8 or 9)for the password that was then reset after first login. Not sure if it was on his letter or in an email. After the whole rigmarole of figuring out where to see financial aid and trying to explain to my son he didn’t get a $5.500 scholarship, there was not much to see other than the expected COA of 43k which was actually helpful.

Yes, just below Mitchell Warren’s signature.

The main tours are outside only, but departental/college tours are open inside. My family and I are visiting in March and we are getting to meet with a professor and get a tour of Krannert, so we will get to see the inside of what would be my college home if I do enroll. Once we go I’ll be able to give more info on just how much is open for people to see/do.

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Ok we will double check the email, we have not received anything by mail

We received our daughters financial aid email, she never set up her ID when she received her acceptance. She was just doing it now but we’re a little confused by the Consent Form. By confirming, she is not committing, right? The wording is a little confusing.

It was confusing, but what you’re consenting to is not the financial aid or the school . You need to read through that entire form and then it takes you to a whole bunch of options and there you can scroll down to the financial aid section to “view financial aid”. You then don’t need to accept the financial aid.

Thank you!

Our daughter was also accepted tonight. I believe her application went in on November 12.

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They’re not the first - several organizations were closed last year and several students were suspended. They’ve been quite clear on how this would be dealt with, but apparently the message still isn’t getting through to some knuckleheads.

(This sounds like something ATO would have done when I was an undergrad. Before they were shut down)