Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

I can’t really see any extra tabs. The only ones I have are the Welcome, Checklist and Status, Upload Documents, and Profile and Application Changes.
I’m an international student btw.

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Me either! No extra tabs, no links for changing major,…everything just looks exactly the same as yesterday

Change major is under the application changes tab

Yeah, I know. I check it and there are only five tabs under the title “Change Forms”. Probably it is because I said “no second major” in my application tho

My son’s From shows his first choice major and is greyed out.

My son just said the 4 tabs are completely gone. So either it was a “sneak preview” a mistake, or as @momofboiler1 stated earlier, they’re still tweaking the system and will be working on it all day.

Yes, my son’s are gone too

4 tabs are gone here too now. Change major still available.

Same thing ~ OOS student with no visible changes, just the same portal as it has been. I looked back at last years chat and the ‘button’ thing happened last year also.

I just noticed a new ‘Cancel Your Application’ option under the ‘Profile and Application Changes’ tab. Does anybody else have it?

Yes, I have that as well, but I don’t think that means anything.

2 years ago when I was admitted, there was quite so chaos since we also had some people with some tabs and others without, but it didn’t mean anything, so don’t panic guys! Good luck everyone!

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Hasn’t that always been there? Maybe I’m confusing schools, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen withdraw/cancel on every school portal this year except maybe UNC which makes you email them.

We had a cancel link earlier on in the application process, then sometime within the last 2 weeks, it was no longer showing. Today, cancel application appeared again. The change major link shows her first choice major greyed out. Going to try and stop over-analyzing it now and get some work done… I will update later with results. Good luck everyone and hoping for good news for all.


I don’t have the cancel your application tab

I don’t either.

To me, the portal seems normal.

It’s not a tab. It’s a link under the ‘Profile and Application Changes’ tab.

Yeah, I know, I don’t have it lol.

Exciting day! Good luck to all.
My daughter has a “Change Major” link under “Change Forms” that another person that we know does not have. When she clicked it, her first major was gone and only her second choice is listed. So, it appears that she was rejected from her first choice, but we are hoping that it means that she was accepted for her second. We’ll see in a little over 5 hours, it seems. Her friend does not have that link, so we know it means something.
On a different note, if you or your child is accepted to Summer Start, I highly recommend that you consider it. Our son was a little bummed about being required to do it. However, it turned out to be a great experience for him. The administration and academic coaches have been amazing for him, and he is making much better grades than in high school with their help/guidance. If you have any questions about it, feel free to message me rather than divert attention of this forum string from its intended purpose.
Boiler up!