***PURDUE University CLASS of 2022 Admission Thread

Thank you

I also have not received any decision, neither an email or an update on checklist and status. I agree with comom25, only way to know is to call the officeā€¦

I found out that with the huge influx of computer science students applying many of them were placed on rolling admissions and will receive notification by March 15

How were Comp Sci applicants placed on rolling admissions? How were they notified of that?


ā€œEach year, we are limited to an enrollment of approximately 650 new students. Honors College admissions decisions will be rolled out in February of 2018.ā€

DD accepted for nursing. Her acceptance was an email, but is there an actual letter on the portal? Iā€™m not sure if she accessed the portal. The email told her that she was accepted and listed her major, but that was it.

Yes, there is a printable letter in the portal.

Yes there is a link to the actual acceptance letter on the portal.

Anybody know when we hear back about alternate reply decisions?

Out of State
Major: FYE
Indian Male
SAT: 1510 superscore SAT (790M, 720R)

Waiting for UIUC deferred to come through now!

@boka Iā€™ve got similar stats and am waiting for GT deferred to come throughā€¦ I just want to know where Iā€™m going already

Out of state.
3.6 or thereabouts
ACT 35

@krabbenkarro I feel you manā€¦ one of my friends had crazy good stats (36 ACT high GPA great extra curriculurs) and STILL got deferred from GTā€¦ did u apply to UIUC btw?

To all the GT deferrals: Boiler up!

@boka No I didnā€™tā€¦ not sure why not actually. I know I looked at that school and even started the application, but I never finished it. Oh well :confused:

@84stag Still hoping for an acceptance in March! Purdue is definitely a close #2

Does anyone know when scholarship information is mailed out?

@lisag519 Mid Feb

@CaptainCold But ur thinking of going into bme? Dude we could be classmates lolz

Accepted for economics, OOS. 3.2 UW gpa and 27 ACT, no clue how I got in compared to others. Does anyone know if itā€™s possible to switch majors after acceptance if itā€™s within the same college? Looking to switch to poli sci.