Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Merit awards were released with EA decisions. Need based financial aid comes later this month.

Purdue focuses on tuition freezes

By the way, average SAT scores vary a lot across schools at Purdue. For example, the average for the School of Engineering is 1432 (1370 to 1500 for the 25th and 75th percentiles). I think that is substantially higher than for Purdue Polytechnic. For all of Purdue, the comparable range is 1210-1420.

Not for nothing, but that’s generally the rule at any school. Aspiring Engineers tend to do better on the SAT since it’s half math than students who look at other majors.

Hi all! Does anybody have any information on how the Purdue pre-med program (ie. advisors, resources, # of students that go on to med school) is?

I am strongly considering Purdue, but am not able to find many people that have info on Purdue’s pre-med program. Would appreciate some help. Thank you :slight_smile:


I would be interested in the Pitt vs Purdue comparison, as well, assuming you live in Pittsburgh. On paper, Purdue seems much deeper–certainly for Eng–than Pitt, but I also understand that Pitt flies more under the radar and is still a very well regarded program for Eng and possibly data science.

Any thoughts / comparison on Purdue CS vs UW-Madison CS ?

As a multi-degree grad of CMU, I’m afraid my bias to Pitt might be showing. Despite the fact that it continually rises in the rankings, I still have “Tower of ignorance” stuck in my head every time I drive into Oakland. :rofl: So take these comments with that nugget of salt.

From a pure CS research standpoint (the results of which I posted in the CS thread), it was well down the list - below Purdue as well as Penn State and Ohio State, which has OOS scholarships that significantly narrow the price gap, that are serving as our safeties. So it’s not on our long list for CS. Disclaimer - my D22 is looking at/qualified for CMU/MIT/Stanford, so her criteria may be different than many students.

It was on my older D’s list for engineering four years ago, and she was admitted, but it was a safety and not really in consideration after Purdue/Virginia Tech acceptances. We are in the fortunate position that cost was not a factor, which it may well be for in-state families.

It’s obviously a well regarded school, and a popular one for many at our high school, so there undoubtedly strong majors and it’s a solid school for many students. Just not compared to a Purdue specifically in CS/Engineering, in my opinion.


UW-Madison is on the list for consideration. Purely from a ranking standing, it’s higher than Purdue for CS (though not engineering). It’s on our long list, though I suspect the positive experience with Purdue and comfort level at the campus means my D won’t apply there. But without the previous experience, and geographical difference, it would certainly be a strong choice vs. Purdue CS.

Again, my view is purely through Engineering and CS lenses, Purdue strengths.

(Another disclaimer - I’m a native Cheesehead, born at the UW-Madison hospital, where my mother worked as Dad earned his PhD.)

We are on the same boat - leaning towards UW-Madison due to rating on US News etc. I am in the industry and I know finding job in CS will not be a problem in the next decade or so, regardless of where you graduate from.

But another key factor for us was women in STEM and CS. We saw the following and it was very interesting

Just an FYI to look into CSWN (CS Women’s Network) along with the CS Living Learning Community at Purdue. We continue to be blown away by how much support there is for students, on so many levels.

My D is a member of SWE and the outreach, tutoring, and support that is offered is tremendous. I’ve heard similarly great things about CSWN.

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Read what I wrote where you asked this same question on another forum. CS is more highly regarded at Purdue than Madison. It is harder to get a job out of Madison also than Purdue, mainly due to the national reputation of Purdue. While Madison has the new CS school and took it out of Engineering in the last few years, or for those that still want it in Liberal Arts, for people in the midwest that can’t get into UIUC, Madison is not where they look to go. Graduates from there just have to do a lot of the legwork on their own. So just something to think about. As @momofboiler1 as a female you’re going to have a lot more opportunities at Purdue. Also, Madison is still known as a huge party school.

@momofboiler1 My son wasn’t interested in applying to Honors but there’s a different honors program he said once you start that if you qualify you’re invited to. He was reading on it and said that people say that isn’t even worth it. I know your daughter isn’t in CS, but do you know anything about that program and whether it’s worth it? He was originally going to wait until he had all his acceptances, but I wasn’t going to have him wait until APRIL to do that, so upon realizing that UVA is a phenomenal school but probably not a great fit for what he wants, he FINALLY did some research on Purdue and does see that they have some of the CS stuff he likes.

Thought maybe you would have some insight on that.

Something important to note, which S16 and I didn’t realize fully until after the fact, is whether a CS program is with the college of science (like at Purdue) or college of engineering, like at a lot of other schools. The huge difference is that if in CoE, a person has to take all the initial engineering required classes, which could include chem or physics, which are also often huge weedouts. My son was really happy to be outside of the engineering requirements.


Yes definitely. My kids sadly, hate the liberal arts side of things, so they all only applied to schools that have CS in Engineering or their own school but it does make a difference because those programs can be more competitive. Some of them you can apply to Liberal Arts and easily transfer, but some it is not an easy transfer and people don’t realize it at all.

Do you have any data on employment situation out of Purdue vs Madison ?

Do all majors have to take foreign language at Purdue?

You asked for a comparison of the two programs. Is your end game only job placement? If so, I will look for the data to provide you, but that is not what makes one program necessarily better than another.

Sure - appreciate the input and will welcome any info. Hard question on what my D will do :slight_smile: I think she wants to go to graduate school right off the bat and then look for job - but who knows. Job is still there down the line for sure.

Is she only a junior? Where else is she looking?

Is it a CS specific honors program or through honors college? I know students are able to apply to honors after freshman year. Many of the “perks” wouldn’t be applicable like freshman housing/advising/honors classes but there would still be access to the honors leadership and research offerings. It would probably depend on what your student’s interests are beyond CS.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat about more of the specifics.

Edited to ask if he’s talking about the CS living community??