Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions


No she is a senior HS - accepted at Purdue, UW-Madison, TAMU and bunch of safeties. She is waiting for few reach schools for RD and UIUC.

Same situation here with UIUC. My daughter and older son were accepted into CS there, Phenomenal program and great facilities. I assume they have a huge increase in apps this year so we’re not counting on an acceptance and I’m pretty sure mine doesn’t want to do the pre-engineering program and he 100% doesn’t want to do a pathways program. Purdue’s program is starting to sound appealing to him, except he read they have a 3 semester language requirement. He should’ve taken the AP Exam when I suggested it last year, lol. Oh well that ship sailed. But maybe he will take that elsewhere if they allow it and he goes there and/or a new language altogether. But 3 semesters is a lot more than other schools. I need to find out if that is accurate.

@momofboiler1 Will def reach out about the Honors thing when I figure out what he was talking about. He’s been reading stuff on reddit and I think what people have been saying in the facebook group or some other group he may have joined. I’m just happy he’s being proactive since he originally wanted to wait until April when all decisions were in.


College of Science does have a FL requirement (CoE does not).

 the credits can be met by doing other things, including going abroad for a summer or a semester.
You can also take 3 cultural and diversity courses. There is a very, very long list of pretty interesting courses to choose from: All Current Approved Courses - College of Science - Purdue University

Honors decisions haven’t come out yet (as far as I know) but should be soon. I’m wondering if your son is reading about the CS living/learning community. Those communities don’t communicate acceptances until the summer so he wouldn’t know before having to make a decision. That said, it could be worth reaching out to the CS department to see how competitive it is to get into those communities. My experience thus far with Purdue has been that they are very forth coming with information when asked.

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Here’s the link to Purdue’s first destination information - note that you can filter by college and major and then see % employment, grad school, still looking, salary info, top employers etc
 Purdue CCO

I would think that WI would have the same information available.

The key word to usually search for is “first destination survey” and then the name of the school.

I also wasn’t happy about the language requirement at certain schools, especially uiuc. With Purdue, you can take classes about a culture instead which is more interesting imo. But, for me, paying 32k a year at uiuc is much better than $42k at Purdue. Do you know any schools without any foreign language requirements?

Thank you so much for this. The FL is not something that appeals to him. I think that is one area of a weakness for him. He didn’t apply for Honors with his application, but said there is one that after first semester you can get invited for if you meet certain criteria. I don’t think it’s the one related to the LLC, although those sound amazing and something he would’ve liked. As smart as he can be, he also can be stubborn and was really burnt out with all the extra essays. When I have a chance I will look more thoroughly myself into some of this. Thank you so much!

@avaw UIUC Engineering has less of a language requirement than Liberal Arts and they count your high school language, so if I remember with my other kids, they would not have needed it for either school. Engineering requirement is 1 year less than Liberal Arts and DGS. I can’t quite remember, but I think Gies has same requirement as Engineering. Also, many kids take foreign language at Parkland or other community colleges if they go to UIUC because foreign language at UIUC is very difficult. If mine ends up at Purdue, this is probably something I would look into as well to see if possible. But it sounds like there are alternatives to taking actual FL courses that he would be interested in.

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It appears to me that the Language and Culture requirement can be met by a 3 course sequence other than a language (one 100-level and two higher level) courses from a list of over 400 courses - All Current Approved Courses - College of Science - Purdue University

Included are classes in English, History, Philosophy, Politics, etc. My D very much enjoyed her Psych and Politics classes filling similar Engineering requirements.

HIST 35205 - Death, Disease And Medicine In Twentieth Century was quite timely last semester.

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Have honor school decisions come out yet ?

I believe they said 2/15. So Monday. :slight_smile:

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General question , what is federal direct unsubsidized loan ? Is it worth using that portion of the money or mixing with taking direct student loan is good option ?

What kind of interest you need pay ?

Does all student loans student will pay after he graduates from college or when he get his first job ?

If you have the money don’t take the loan. While it’s a low interest rate, you also pay an origination type fee of the top and it does not help you build credit so not worth saddling yourself or if you’re the parent your kid with it. People think having loans helps establish a credit record but it can actually hurt someone trying to get credit. Having a bank account or checking account and/or job and filing a tax return is how credit is established. Not by having debt.

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Thanks so much that’s really useful to know you read my mind :slight_smile: yes I am parent helping my son

So having a partial loan don’t help at all building credit history ?

Let’s say total cost for 4 years is 160k for college
i need to take partial loan 60k what’s the best option take loan and what’s the headaches ? Do I take that 60k in the end of the college senior year or take it in the beginning ?

In that 60k can I split the loan into Fed UnSub loan and different student loan ?

On that part I don’t know. Some loans the interest accrues during school but payments are deferred until after, I can’t recall if there are also loans that don’t accrue interest until after school. Timing on those probably don’t matter. Your circumstances can change and his may change, so if you have to do loans, my rule of thumb would be to hold off as long as possible. He may also get internships wherever he attends that will allow him to need less money/loans as well or scholarships in later years. Until you absolutely have to, why take them? But that also doesn’t mean he should sit and suffer during school either. You have to find the happy medium.

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Thank you @srparent15 make sense !

Does Purdue send any admissions packets and swags ?

Yes! If I recall it took a while but there was an admission packet and a poster.

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When Purdue Honors comes out, where should we expect to find it?

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I checked a few minutes ago and it can be found in the myPurdue portal, on the front page. Added to the checklist you should see an option to “accept your honors college offer” or similar.

Haven’t seen hide nor hair of an email–checked my portal out of curiosity and there it was!


S21 checked after seeing the above message, he got into honors college!!!