Purdue University EA 2025 Decisions

Same for my kiddo.

This is exciting. My son got his second choice- Purdue Poly, Mechanical Engineering Technology.
We had consciously made that his second choice after hearing from the admissions coordinator that they have access to the same internships, co-ops, etc. opportunities as the college of engineering kids and because he is a very hands on learner.
However it would be good to have more information. If anyone has any more information specifically regarding how good the program is, faculty or any info about Poly at all I would greatly appreciate it! TIA

My son has been accepted to CS (first choice)
No merit scholarship.
ACT 36
GPA 3.98UW, 4.69 W
12 APs 4 &5s
College Math completed: Multivariable, Differential Equations & Linear Algebra - All As
College CompSci: Python, C++ & Java - All As
College Econ: Micro & Macro Econ - All As


My son was accepted to his first choice of FY engineering

3.9 GPA/1400 SAT

OOS (Ohio)

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No merit here it looks like, but wasn’t expecting any based on what we know about Purdue and OOS, also sadly I think other than Miami, OH which gave full merit, I think Purdue is the cheapest school my son applied to and is cheaper and/or in line with our flagship state university so not too bad and if this is where he ends, their tuition appears to be locked and it would be nice because finally I have a kid that would be within driving distance, no plane ride and my husband would be happy because he thinks Fair Oaks Dairy on the drive there in Rensselaer has the best grilled cheese sandwich ever. SMH! Guess for some it is going to be Boiler Up!


Is that at Purdue Poly as opposed to College of Engineering?

My son’s first choice was Mechanical Engineering and second choice Mech Engineering Technology. He was accepted into his second.
I’d love to hear other thoughts on Purdue Poly.

My DS was accepted to CS, OOS, UWGPA 4.0, ACT 34, 17 AP.

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yes. He applied to College of Sciences and Poly. He got into Poly but not into his first choice of CS

Accepted, OOS, competitive high school
ACT 35
GPA 3.94UW, 4.23 W (school doesn’t allow AP classes until junior year)
Biochemistry/ College of Science


[quote=“medstud101, post:1, topic:2803512”]
GPA 4.7
ACT/SAT: 1550

Decision/Major: Engineering
So excited for my son - first out of state acceptance

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Calpoly SLO results are out for some people already? Still waiting for mine.

Application Type (ED/EA/RD): EA
Merit Scholarship: $1,000


ACT (breakdown): 30 Math, 34 English, 35 Reading, 34 Science, 9 Writing
Weighted GPA: 4.077
AP (place score in parenthesis): Chemistry (4), Spanish Lang (5), Statistics (5)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics C, APES, AP AB Calc, AP Psychology, Honors English, Ukulele, Public Speaking
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Brandeis Book Award, AP Scholar, National Hispanic Scholar, Most Worthy Representative for my school


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): TONS of (robotics), (dance club), (book club), (NHS), founder of a social justice organization in my town, class officer, Anti-Defamation League peer leader, Peer counseling, (marching band), (colorguard)
Job/Work Experience: Robotics Coach at a small coding academy
Volunteer/Community service: most of my extracurriculars are my community service, especially robotics and peer counseling
Summer Activities: Creation of a social justice organization
Essays (rating 1-10, details): probably a 8, written about how the Justice shirts from when I was little never had the activities that I was interested on them, and how I found it difficult to determine my identity
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 3 teacher recommendations (10,10,8) and a guidance counselor recommendation (10, I have a really good relationship with her)


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Chemical Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): MA
School Type: Public
Hooks: first generation college in the US, immigrant, minority, woman in STEM

DS21 accepted into FYE.
3.98 UW/4.43 W, 1500 SAT, 13 APs
Varsity athlete/decent ECs
No merit
Super excited for him and congrats to everyone who was admitted!

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Poly is excellent! Purdue is a great STEM school, highly supportive. You should definitely explore

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Son deferred Comp Sci
3.98 UW/4.50 W, 1460 SAT, 12 APs
Varsity athlete/NHS/work

Did anyone else get deferred? He did list a
Second choice (FYE) but maybe they offer that if CS doesn’t accept him?

My son got deferred for Comp Sci.
3.8 UW GPA
31 ACT
Varsity Athlete all 4 years

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Accepted into Krannert!

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Daughter admitted - Engineering
1490 SAT
4.0 - UW
4.25 - W

Good EC, and Reco

Dont see any merit
 not sure if this comes after. Good Scholarship @ Case Western
 she has couple of options

My son got deferred for Comp Sci.
3.8 UW GPA
31 ACT
Varsity Athlete all 4 years