Purdue University Life

I hear the social life at Purdue is like zero. Is this true?

I am choosing between Purdue and ASU for computer science majors, I am from the Bay Area in California and I am trying to choose where to go between these two colleges. I know I am not a party person, and ASU is really good in computer science. I want to go somewhere where I can study and yet have some fun at the same time. So does Purdue compensate for that, like is there a social life at Purdue?

What specifically are you looking for? There are over 32000 undergrads, 800 organizations, fraternities, sororities, bars, theaters, symphonies both on campus and in the community. Indianapolis is an hour away by shuttle if you want alarge city and Chicago is about 2 1/2 if you want a world class city. If you find no social life in a campus of that size you probably need to try a little harder. There are a lot of engineering majors and they study more than most but as a rule they still have a good time.

Uh, yeah, but it’s not like social life will just happen. You need to put yourself out there and get involved. And Purdue has tons of organizations and activities.

I don’t want to study so far away from the Bay Area, so do you guys know if it will be worth going to ASU for computer science? Like can I get a good job coming out if ASU from computer science?