question about choosing capped major or university studies...

<p>I would like to apply to architecture at VA tech but i KNOW that my stats are too low to get in, but i would definitely have a chance in a less competitive major. Would it be better for me to guarantee admission by picking university studies and then proving myself that way? kinda like a fresh start and not having to worry about SATs and high school grades? Or, if i try for architecture, will i have the same chance of getting in for university studies? I just want to get IN, and then ill kill myself to get into architecture because i figure getting in from the inside would be better then a transfer. is it right to think this?</p>

<p>please-any advice would be helpful. im kinda at a loss on what to do here...</p>

<p>burtmath, I will just throw out a couple of thoughts here, but I think you may want to call or email undergrad admissions or even the architecture school to see what they say. What are your stats? Maybe you are a better candidate than you think! </p>

<p>I read on the architecture website that you can apply for an internal transfer after the fall semester of your freshman year, but if you are accepted in the spring to attend the Summer Qualifying Design Lab you will need to go to both of the summer school sessions. There is a risk involved with this as well. Even if you go to both of these summer studio labs, you are not guaranteed as an entering student in the architecture program. Here is a link for FAQ from the CAUS site. CAUS</a> | College of Architecture & Urban Studies | Virginia Tech Just follow where it says admissions. From what I can tell, if you are successful as a transfer, you are probably looking at needing at least another year, which would be 6 years rather than the 5 year BARCH. Again, I would call VT, discuss your stats and interests and see what their advice is. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>thank you very much for the information, kandksmom!</p>

<p>my stats= 4.0 weighted GPA (3.7 uw) and a pretty intense list of AP classes, including calc.
the problem is my SATs, which i took twice and both times got a 1800/2400 (600 each). i cant seem to get over that mark, and i never took the ACTs. i know thats not good enough to get in initially, but i know myself and i know i would be determined to get in to the program any way possible. do you think its worth taking the chance and trying for an internal transfer? ill see if anyone there can give me advice, but if theres any other help you have, it be great!</p>

<p>Are you instate? That could be a big help. Based on your last reply, my opinion (please take this as just one mom's opinion) is to go ahead and apply for the program you really want, architecture, and take your chances. Your GPA and course load is solid. My s had the exact same GPA (he's there as a freshman arch student). From what we were told at the open house during his visit, they look first at rigor of curriculum (which you have), GPA (which you have), class rank (not sure on that one) and then test scores. You SAT's aren't as high as some, but they aren't awful either. </p>

<p>If you really want to do architecture, I don't think your stats are too low to try for it. If you apply as an architecture applicant, they will look at your app as an entering arch student first. If you are accepted into CAUS, great, but if you aren't they would probably then offer you admission into university studies. Why not shoot for the moon? It can't hurt. Keep us posted!</p>