Question about community college courses

<p>I took Govt and Eco this summer at my local community college for hs dual credit so can I factor these into my UC gpa or no? I would be a rising senior but I am graduating in August so I’m confused as to whether these courses would count as taking them my senior year or junior year.
Also could I take a few courses at my local cc this upcoming Fall and also have them factor into my UC gpa or would that make me a transfer student?</p>


<p>Correct me if I am wrong, but anything after the end of your junior year is credited as a senior course. My transcripts list the summer in betweens as the next year. So if I took a class this summer, and I am a rising senior, then the class is counted in my senior year.</p>

<p>As for your second question, I had the same question here. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Man that sucks because it'd really help with my gpa... so you are applying as a freshmen right?</p>

<p>I am going to be a senior, like you. But looking at the transcripts I used to get into the community college nearby, it states all my summer school classes I took as the next grade up. But they will still see the classes you took at the cc, as well as the grades.</p>

<p>Technically the summer after your 11th grade year is the senior year and the summer courses should be listed along with your senior year courses. However, we recommend you list these summer courses as part of your 11th grade a-g courses to help out with your GPA. Is it required to list these courses in the 11th grade year? No, we only recommend you list them since you have the grades already and it can help your GPA.</p>

<p>ucd admissions, what happens if you list the classes as junior year classes on the uc app but don't send in the official community college transcripts? will you get rescinded? and are community class grades as important as high school grades for senior year?</p>

<p>AHHH thank you UCD Admissions for telling me that! Since I got 4's in both Govt and Eco that will raise my UC Gpa sooo much because I only have a 3.7 right now.</p>

<p>Hmm. Does the UC system ask you about any CC classes you've attended because for one of the classes I've taken..I got a "C" :( . I am pretty reluctant to report that class and if I do will it affect admissions?</p>

<p>I think they will see that on your transcript...what class was it?</p>

<p>If you're using it for HS graduation or A-G credit, I think they'll see it, but if its an extra class like calc cd or just elective, you can just not mention that you took any classes at a CC</p>

<p>Microeconomics. I just felt like taking it since I thought it might go well with my AP macroecon this year. The thing is though I took 3 classes total at 2 different CCs. I took 2 business classes and got As in both at Mt Sac. But for another college, I got the C in microecon. I was wondering if I could possibly just pick up one college transcript instead of both. By the way, microecon doesn't count for any of my school credits according to the counselor</p>

<p>I think if not having micro-econ on your transcript won't affect your A-G requirements or high school graduation requirements, you could just not send that transcript.</p>

<p>Yeah it wouldn't count because the class you take for hs credit is Macro. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care since you took it like an elective.</p>

<p>Bad news:
You have to report all college classes taken.
Good news:
It will be viewed as a weighted grade since you are a high school student in a college course.</p>