<p>So I was reading how to transfer on the UVa website and I'm kinda confused. You have to have a certain amount of credits to transfer and these credits are usually completed after the first year...If I wanted to apply for fall of 2010 transfer, wouldnt my application have to be in by like jan 2, 2010?</p>
<p>The deadline for transfer applicants should be March 1st next year, and you should have completed at least two full semesters by the end of the spring of 2010.</p>
<p>yea i looked up the deadline and its mar 1st. so im going to penn state in fall of '09 so if i wanted to transfer for fall '10 i would have to basically complete my first year at psu?</p>
<p>you’ll have to finish you’re first year at psu. </p>
<p>And I know a bajiliion people have probably told you this already, but psu is a great school. Give it a chance. You may just end up staying. From what I’ve heard, transferring is nothing like first year admissions. Try to enjoy your time at psu, and if your still not happy, then transfer. I know a lot of people on this board will be surprised, but I had the idea of transfer in the back of my head when I came to UVa. Along with UVa, I also got into JHU, but I accepted my spot here (UVa) and mid-summer, I started to regret my decision and thought about transferring. I made plans and everything lol. Now, I love the people I’m with too much to leave.
It’s easy to say you want to transfer before going to PSU, but you may just change your mind. If you went to Uva, you would be missing the opportunities PSU has to offer, and if you went to PSU, you would be missing the opportunities that UVa has to offer. Every situation has it’s pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide if you want things to be positive or negative. Sorry if it sounds like I’m preaching, but I would rather see you enjoy a year of your life than pining over somewhere else.
You probably know all of this already, but sometimes we need to be reminded. Good luck. :)</p>
<p>P.S. Dean J: Is that an Alexander Calder in front of Peabody??</p>
<p>yea yea everyone is telling me that but i get depressed on an insane level when i think of never seeing the grounds again or just being a cav lol ill still enjoy my time up until like march when apps are due =)</p>
<p>so during my first year am i allowed to apply for the march 1st deadline? cuz technically my first year will be done by the time decisions are released</p>
<p>It’s probably easy for us to say that db123 because we are UVA students, but perhaps Devilman feels like his accomplishments should have gotten him to a better school than PSU and there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to settle for anything less than what s/he deserves.</p>
<p>Haha that exactly what im saying! i did WAYYY too much work in high school to end up at psu (not saying psu is a bad school). i couldve taken all the ez classes and gotten to the same spot i am at right now but instead i took all the honors classes and ap classes and went through all the stress…and DevilMAN is a he =P</p>
<p>I totally feel you devilman30264, you have every right to want to move up. People at PSU will question your motives and perhaps think of you as a “traitor” when you tell them that you’re trying to transfer, but don’t let that affect you. I had many friends back when I was applying to colleges, who did not get into UVA and went to different schools (they all had their hearts set on transferring)…well, they all fell in love with their schools’ social scene/roommate and never actually applied. Now that we’ve graduated, they all regret their decision. So, go to PSU enjoy it, don’t be unhappy that you’re going but always have in the back of your mind your short-term goal of transferring. Pick your classes accordingly so you can excel your first semester and apply. A really good friend of mine transferred to UVA from W&M after having been waitlisted twice (when he was a senior, and again when he was a first-year) but he made it his third time and loved UVA (he was sad that he would only get to spend two full years at UVA). Anyway, good luck to you!</p>
<p>You need to have 24 credits by the time you transfer. Just as you apply for first-year admission before you finish high school, you can apply for transfer admission before you have those 24 credits finished. If you get an offer, it is conditional. If you don’t successfully complete those 24 credits, your offer may be revoked. </p>
<p>Hope that makes sense.</p>
Is it up? They seemed to have the foundation down on Friday. I didn’t expect it to be up so quickly.</p>
<p>Dont worry Dean J, ill have those 24 credits =) it looks better if i get credit in harder classes right? like if i used my 5s on AP tests to start in more advanced class, it would look like im challenging myself…?</p>
<p>I know what I’m about to say is going to cause controversy and i’m going to look like a prick, but wahoomb I know the feeling of working hard and then not going where you felt you deserved to go. In all honesty, for a long, long time I felt like UVa (especially in state) was overhyped and I did not want to come here; back when I starting having doubts, I felt like I “settled” for UVa when I could be going to JHU instead. I know both are great schools, etc., but sometimes emotion gets the best of logic. I also have this personal connection with JHU that I didn’t have with UVa. My initial wonder and first college love were taken by that school because I spent the summer there. Now, I consider uva my home completely; not because it is uva, but because I chose to make it so. </p>
<p>I won’t argue with you devilman. It’s your decision. I just wanted you to remember that you’ll be fine wherever you are. Sometimes in our haste and the heat of the moment, we make grandiose plans about how great we’ll do without realizing what we’re up against. </p>
lost pulse.</p>
<p>I will make UVa my home!! :)</p>
It is. It’s called “Tripes”. I was calling it “Moose Tree”. </p>
<p>If memory serves, we heard about the statue coming from Jack, at his last staff meeting. It’s kind of nice to finally see it here. :)</p>
<p>ksjdfhg I’m a science major; I wonder how the art history majors are reacting hahaha. Wasn’t it at Brown for a couple of years?</p>
<p>Yes, there’s a foundation that loads the work out. </p>
<p>Here’s a shot of the statue, for those who are curious: [Alexander</a> Calder’s “Tripes” in front of Peabody Hall](<a href=“Twitpic”>Alexander Calder's "Tripes" was installed on the lawn in front of Peabody Hall over the weekend.)</p>
<p>Ah gotta love getting off topic =P but its quite entertaining cuz im sitting in class on my school laptop just reading through all the threads…maybe this is why i got denied haha</p>