<p>Hey, I'm a freshman business econ major, but I haven't taken any econ classes yet. What class is the average business econ major on by the beginning of sophomore year? I don't want to fall too far behind, I'm planning on taking at least Econ 1 and Econ 41 to get myself up to speed.</p>
<p>Thanks passerby and hater. Taking Econ 1 and Econ 41 is what I’ll do over summer, given that Econ 11 is a good place to be during soph year.</p>
<p>To hater (or anyone else): When did you take Management 1A and 1B? I thought Management 1A/1B could only be taken by “sophomores” according to the course description in general catalog (I’m a freshman year-wise but having junior standing credit-wise).</p>