Question for HousingApp

<p>few days ago, when i filled out housingapp online, there were not many options that i could choose for residential hall. My first choice was Mitchell, and there was an option for that, but for the other dorms, (2034G, thurston, madison, etc) were not on the list. there were mount vernon dorms on the list, but i could not find any other dorms besides mitchell and strong on foggy bottom.</p>

<p>is it because the other dorms are full?</p>

<p>me too… what happen?? anyone knows?..</p>

<p>sounds really weird…something is wrong as they can’t possibly have filled the dorms yet as all freshmen are required to live on campus and some haven’t even received their housing IDs yet and others are just sending in deposits! I would log in again to see if the rest show up as they should, if not shoot an email to housing.</p>

<p>I just emailed housing and asked because I haven’t been able to access the application yet and an going to be very upset if I can’t live on foggy bottom. My dad talked to admissions people a few weeks ago and they said it wasn’t on a first come, first serve basis and they wouldn’t start assigning until all deposits were in. I was just assuming i’d get to live in thurston because it’s so big!</p>

<p>I could access it now. I got an email thru my GWmail…and just follow the link.<br>
and there is no dorm choice for me cuz i will be in WLP, which means Somer’s Hall on Mt. Ver…</p>

<p>the buildings are on the list, just referenced by their house names.</p>

Thurston is Education and Public Service, and Politcs and Public Policy
Potomac is Global Perspective and something, and so on and so forth.</p>

<p>You can find all the house names at [Living</a> @ GW - The George Washington University](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Dailytree, what were the problems you were having and how did you fix them?</p>

<p>I’m having such a time trying to figure this all out.</p>

<p>Colls1411–my problem was when I tried to access my house app web, the request was denied. However, I could access it now! I got an email indicating about housing sign up thru my gwmail on April 21st, 2009. And I accessed the web/dash/finished fill the housing questions thru the website they provide in email.</p>

<p>Here are the link that I got thru my gwemail :
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
[Living</a> @ GW - The George Washington University](<a href=“]Living”>
[Living</a> @ GW - The George Washington University](<a href=“]Living”></p>

<p>Moreover, the email also mentioned “If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.”

<p>GW Housing Programs</p>

<p>The George Washington University</p>

<p>The John Quincy Adams House</p>

<p>2129 I Street, NW</p>

<p>Washington, DC 20052</p>

<p>(202) 994-2552 (phone)</p>

<p>(202) 994-1422 (fax)"</p>

<p>I hope those info could help … :)</p>

<p>OMG–sorry i think my computer went nuts… (bump…)

<p>where can u find all those names??</p>

<p>what names?</p>