? Question for those applying now

<p>I’ve rec’d a couple of PMs from a parent whose student is having a hard time accessing the scholarship app.</p>

<p>Since I don’t have a student applying now, I can’t really see/experience the issue that they are facing.</p>

<p>The student applied about 2 weeks ago, got the follow up email, set up mybama. </p>

<p>Now, this is the part that is confusing…</p>

<p>When he clicks on the scholarship link, he’s seeing a message that this is for freshman or transfers only.</p>

<p>My answer was that since his child will be an incoming frosh, then that is right for him.</p>

<p>But…and this is where I’m confused…I can’t figure out if he can’t then proceed with that app or not. I’m not sure if they are convinced that the word “freshman” means that the student has to be a frosh NOW (which of course, his child is a HS senior).</p>

<p>So…those of you applying now…what are you seeing? And what happens when you click on the scholarship link.</p>


<p>I found the scholarship application on the main MyBama page.</p>

<p>Clicked on it and it had DD’s name and number already on it and was ready to go.</p>

<p>This suggests that there is an issue specific to the that user who might contact 'BAMA to have them reconfigure their particular application page.</p>

<p>My kid’s scholarship app on MyBama says – “Thank you for submitting your scholarship application to The University of Alabama for the :F159_YEARS academic year.” It has the submiited app data. Not sure what the issue is with the academic year, but it appears to have been submitted. So sounds like a user issue.</p>

<p>Mine is the same as txarchitect - went to Academics, then clicked on Application for Scholarships, and it opened a new window with my son’s name and CWID at the top and the application ready to go.</p>

<p>Small related question - I was planning to have him wait to fill out the scholarship app until we get the formal notification that he is NMSF. Otherwise, we can’t answer that question, right? Do you think that matters if they will be notified about NMF status anyway?</p>

<p>I expect D2 will do her UA app next week. I’ll check the language then. Thanks for the heads up :)</p>

<p>lisa…good question, email <a href=“mailto:scholarships@ua.edu”>scholarships@ua.edu</a> and find out.</p>

<p>Lisa, I’d appreciate knowing what you find out about the NMSF question.</p>

<p>M2CK, I think I’ve read over in the NMF threads that high schools find out sometime in August and will often let the NMSFs know then (esp if asked? lol) Is that true?</p>

<p>I e-mailed them, and will let you know when I hear back.</p>

<p>Some schools let students know as soon as they’re notified. Some think that are req’d to wait until the embargo date. The embargo date is for media publication.</p>

<p>We got the scholarship part to work but still have not received the email.</p>

<p>We did not receive a confirmation email after my daughter did the scholarship app. You can see what was submitted by clicking on the Apply For Scholarship link on Mybama and it will just say “Thank you for submitting…”</p>

<p>I’m trying to apply for scholarships right now and I can’t even get into my myBama account…I set everything up and even tried resetting my password ~10 times and it keeps giving me this error.</p>

<p>ERROR: username/password pair not found</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>edit: tried resetting my password for the millionth time and now I’m getting this:</p>

<p>Unable to activate account</p>

<p>We were unable to activate your myBama account.</p>

<p>We were in a couple of minutes ago, so seems to be up.</p>

<p>I’d send an email to the techs…check your CAPS LOCK first … I say this from previous experience ;-)</p>

<p>The UA app is open? For fall of 13?</p>


<p>haha thanks but I don’t think that’s it. I’m copy and pasting the exact password I reset it to and it doesnt work.</p>


<p>Yep it’s been open for a while now. I just got the mybama email a few days ago</p>

<p>Oh cool. Thanks! And don’t get mad since this isn’t the right thread but last question, when do they send out letters then if it’s only summer?</p>

<p>There was a thread about this a few days ago.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1369208-2013-acceptance.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1369208-2013-acceptance.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I never did get a reply to my e-mail regarding the National Merit question on the scholarship app so I called the Scholarship office today. It sounds like it doesn’t really matter what we do - she said they will be notified about National Merit anyway, and we could also give them a call in September to let them know once it is formally announced. That being said, it seems like waiting to submit it till September wouldn’t be a big deal either - she said just don’t wait till the end of November.</p>

<p>Sorry, kind of a non-answer. :)</p>

<p>I did check and DS’ application is complete, and the girl in Admissions said they are planning to start reviewing apps late August/early September, and notifications will probably start going out in September.</p>

<p>Good to know, Lisa. Thank you for the follow-up.</p>

<p>We are going to wait until school starts and the last few student org. officer elections are held…then DD will submit her scholarship application. Should have had word informally from school College Counselor on NMSF by then too.</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

<p>Son submitted scholarship a couple weeks ago. Just had him verify all looks good, and it is NOT showing he applied for the Presidential Scholarship. He said it was not a choice he saw.</p>

<p>Are the flat GPA/Test scholarships something that the system automatically reviews? </p>

<p>Or should I have him contact the school to add that he wishes to apply for this?</p>