<p>I am offended by all of these posts and would not want to go to school with any of you. It is not PC to have an opinion on any of these issues either way. We are not supposed to have an opinion pertaining to this subject matter or voice it anywhere anytime verbally or in writing! Anyone agree with me?</p>
I am offended by all of these posts and would not want to go to school with any of you. It is not PC to have an opinion on any of these issues either way. We are not supposed to have an opinion pertaining to this subject matter or voice it anywhere anytime verbally or in writing! Anyone agree with me?
<p>Is this a joke???</p>
<p>I think it is okay to discuss these issues rather than pretend that they don't exist.</p>
<p>I agree with you fudgemaster. I don't understand the mentality that if we don't talk about it, it will go away...</p>
<p>If this information with your names attached were to be revealed it could cost you a job. Sorry but that is true too.</p>
<p>How would it cost me a job...I would get in trouble for being realistic about the world?</p>
<p>Oh come on he is just trolling.</p>
<p>I realized that. Birdlover is PC to the extreme.</p>
I am offended by all of these posts and would not want to go to school with any of you. It is not PC to have an opinion on any of these issues either way. We are not supposed to have an opinion pertaining to this subject matter or voice it anywhere anytime verbally or in writing! Anyone agree with me? </p>
<p>Hey BirdloverFla- I agree with you to an extent. I grew up in a suburban Jewish NY town and rarely anyone lives up to that stuck up rich crap stereotype . I hung out with everyone- blacks, persians, whites, and asian kids - and i don't categorize them as preps, jocks, music kids, nerds, skaters, or whatever because if that's the case- I've been friends with all types of people. But like most people, everyone makes stupid generalizations and unfortunatly, that's reality. People have to freaking get out more.
And pretty much everyone posting here is stereotyping and contridicting themselves.</p>
<p>ok. the fact that we shouldnt have an opinion and we shouldnt voice it is *****<strong><em>. what *</em></strong>ing country do u live in. FREE SPEECH. </p>
<p>omg lemme go cry somewhere cuz someone i dont kno doesnt want to go to school with me. shutup.</p>
<p>Political correctness is turning America into a communist country. 'Nuff said.</p>
<p>melo- yeah maybe birdflavor is to the extreme and no one agrees with what she's saying (or maybe it's just you) but how about this: </p>
<p>What my question is do some or all of you use these stereotypes as a dating criterion in college or do you make your own judgements? - that was the whole point of the post and EVERYONE HERE has been going off-topic and bashing each other for the past 5 F'ING pages.. oh, and stereotyping.</p>
<p>So... having fun at Bob Jones University?</p>
<p>You definetly are.</p>
<p>we all unconsciously use stereotypes.</p>
<p>Unconsciously would mean that we were knocked out or something.</p>
<p>Though if that were true there'd be a lot less racism :)</p>
<p>This is for those of you who are **<strong><em>in about this thread going off topic. In case you havent noticed I AM the ORIGINAL poster of this thread and my question has been answered and then some. Different aspects of my question are completely relevant in the so called "subtopics" youve been complaining about. I really dont care. As long as people are responding and just not sitting in a cave with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears hoping racial stereotpes in GENERAL will go away, not just in dating, I really dont care what they voice. So shut the *</em></strong> up and let people exercise their right to speak!!!!!!!!! Thank you.</p>
<p>so anywayz. yea accepted. i meant subconsciously.......yea......</p>
<p>Do you know colleges are trolling these sites, they are trolling facebook and collecting data about the students. Do you know people have been turned down for jobs because of certain blogs which were created in fun. The self righteous PC people in an effort to protect everyone have become the "thought police" and the censorship is unbelievable. That was my point. I would just be really careful. There is no privacy online.</p>